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Political Forum Ignore Requests

Jim Alfredson

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I´m aware of what´s happening in the world... but don´t come to a JAZZ FORUM to talk about politics!  :P


Sure, I understand that 100%. But the thing is, this doesn't really have anything to do with actually engagingothers on the political threads.....you simply don't even want to see the forum title show up on your screen as though it doesn't even exist. Well fear not EKE, you'll get to see the signature line each and every time that I post after you! :P:P:lol:

*just kiddin' ya ;)

You´re a provocateur ;)

(guess you have your first warn, je, je, je... :D )

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Hey b3. Can you edit the title and sub-head of this thread, to better indicate that this is the place for people to sign-up to opt out of the Political threads?? I know of at least one other person who I think will probably choose the "non-political" option. But knowing him - he probably wouldn't even click on this thread with it's current title. Thanks!!!!

(PS: I'll PM him too, and point him towards this thread. He may only be checking the board from work, in which case he may not even be around any this weekend.)

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I have found my trips here to be much more pleasant due to the absence of gratuitous insults against President Bush and the Republican Party.

That looks like a political statement to me. I don't think this is the place for something like that.

Edited by J.A.W.
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As one of the biggest critics on the political board (although I have visited it ocassionaly, but very very ocasssionally), I'm tempted to put my name on the list but I prefer to have the option to go there and self censor myself, unless you're going to get rid of the whole thing, which I wouldn't object to either.

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Yes that's true, but to make it so the political threads don't appear at all to some members is a little strange. I mean, you have a political section on this board, no? Why? Well I could venture to guess that a fair number of jazz people also like to talk politics with other jazzbos. That section, in part, keeps people coming back to your site. There's a place where people talk about football on this board. I hate football, but you don't see me whining about it. To section one group of discussions from another seems a little, I don't know, hypocritical. If you don't like politics on your board, take it off. But you like all those hits don't you? So you set up a little function to screen one aspect of expression from the rest. Kinda weak. -- Johnny E, Politics Forum

Jim, you damn hit whore: please add my name to those not wanting to "talk politics with other jazzbos".

Thank you.

Edited by Chaney
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As one of the biggest critics on the political board (although I have visited it ocassionaly, but very very ocasssionally), I'm tempted to put my name on the list but I prefer to have the option to go there and self censor myself, unless you're going to get rid of the whole thing, which I wouldn't object to either.

huh? :blink:

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