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-Roger that.

Aw heck Dmitry.....we launch one thread about some high stakes backroom Kremlin intrigue and you'll be zooming into the politics section faster than people can fire off notes to Grey re: his JRVG offers. :g

Can't type....laughing too hard.... :P

I wish he would just offer them to me first! ;)


Over the past couple of days, it has occurred to me that there may be a technical problem. I don't know if it could be just me, but I've noticed that the "Today's Active Topics" page has not been "complete" for me lately. I was just looking at that page, and it seemed like there were far fewer threads than normal. It's past 5 pm here, and I noticed that the most recent activity showing in the "Artists" forum was 7:30 am. So, I went to the Artists forum, and sure enough there were about a half dozen threads that had been active today, but weren't showing up on T.A.T.

I'm assuming that this glitch is a biproduct of the blocking of the Politics forum, since I never was aware of having this problem occur in the past. Is anybody else having this problem? If so, maybe Jim could see if there's a fix. If not, and if there's no fix, I think I'd prefer to go back to viewing/skipping the political threads on T.A.T.


I just tried setting myself to be a 'non-political' member and I could see all the topics just fine. I can't say I know what the problem is at this point. The only thing the permission mask should do is not allow you to see the political forum, which is what it says it's doing and what it seemed to do when I used it on myself.



I wish I had a clearer idea of what's going on myself. The trouble with this is that it's sort of a "passive" problem rather than a "active" problem. If the politics forum was showing up, that would be an obvious red flag, but I have to actually THINK (not something I like to do too often) and investigate to actually see what forums/threads aren't showing up for me on TAT. I'll try to do some more investigating, and see if I can find any patterns.

Thanks again, Jim.

  • 3 months later...

For the record, I now find it necessary to announce that, since I was in fact sincere about my declaration regarding the Politics Forum, at my request B3-er has made the political forum disappear from my account.

Nevertheless, since I had this done after I had started a thread regarding my decision (here), I wanted to see how this self-banishment was being treated. So, as Claude pointed out, if I logged on as a guest, I could see the political forum but not post.

And it was there that I saw that not only were the usual suspects taking their free shots at me (Jerry, Minew, 7/4) but Mr. "I Love My conservative friends", Johnny, had put his own spin and interpretation on my decision, not remotely supported by anything but his rabid partisanship, and declared me a "coward".

I didn't take kindly to it-but I couldn't respond to it because B3-er disabled the Political Forum at my request. Quite a conundrum. So, I did the only thing I could, and sent a PM to Johnny. A PM he has now seen fit to post to that thread.

Draw your own conclusions about our resident Hero of the Left.


Dan, imho, this is your perfect opportunity to just stop caring about all the B.S. (which is the whole point of ignoring the political forums, yes?)

I like what you're trying to do and just wanted to give you some encouragement.


Yeah, just let it go Dan. Johnny has shown more about himself than about you in posting the PM. One thing we ALL need to keep in mind (and I forget this myself sometimes) is that, for better or worse, we're hanging with a pretty smart crowd here. Most everyone seems to be pretty capable of figuring out the score when something happens...


Welcome to the club, Moose!

And if you start to suffer withdrawal symptoms, just let me know, and I'll be happy to berate you in a PM. :g

My only fear is "how will I ever reach 'Dr. Funkenstein' level now?" :lol:


I guess we'll have to find a lot of stupid stuff to talk about in the Miscellaneous - Non-Political forum.

Oh yeah; well, at least we won't have to resort to talking about that "jazz" stuff; I don't understand what these people get out of that crazy stuff! ;)


I tell ya, after a cursory look at what’s going down today, I’m glad I made the switch ages ago. Thanks again, Jim; I’m just sorry you gotta keep an eye on that shit.


Thanks, Jim, although I feel like part of my body is missing. The way things have been going there lately, I'd say it's my colon... ;)


It's a weird getting used to the change. I think I'll like it, I need to calm down. :ph34r:


Good for you guys, Dan and Mark! I'd join you but I never really did post all that much in the Politics section myself. I just hung there for the entertainment. :g It's gonna get mightly boring now with Johnny posting endless cartoon that nobody will now read and comment on. ;)

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