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Ben Allison "Think Free" YouTube contest!


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Hey everyone! My name's Ian. I'm 27 years old and a HUGE fan of all types of music. More recently, I've been really getting into a jazz bassist named Ben Allison. He's got a new album out called "Think Free". In my opinion, he does some phenomenal musical arrangements and so I just wanted to share the wealth! :D

Shameless plug, but Ben's got a very cool contest he's extending to all his fans (me being one of them if you couldn't already tell! :D ) Here are the details:

Bassist/composer Ben Allison has launched 'The Think Free Project'. Musicians and filmmakers can be part of a virtual collaboration by visiting the YouTube project page and listening to Ben’s invitation to record and submit their own interpretations of two tracks from his latest CD, “Think Free.” Ben and his band will choose their favorites to be featured on splash and palmetto-records.com. Their very favorite music and film collaborations will be considered for youtube's music spotlight, as well as receiving copies of Ben’s complete discography!

Inspire Others - Get Involved - Think Free:


~ Ian :w

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isn't this a WEE bit spamalicious?

a double helping I've no doubt, but BA is cool in my book

LOL...I felt the same way. Ben's music is consistently creative and of a high quality. And he's a very cool and humble guy as well who has taken time to talk to me on two separate occasions when I've seen him perform (he even pulled out his cel phone and called Palmetto when I told him that I was still waiting for them to ship me one of his new CD's at the time!). So call me biased, but this spam doesn't bug me very much. :rsmile:

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personally I like flunkies; I would have no problem if said flunky logged in and said "hey guys I joined up so I could promote my friend." What I dislike is the pretense that they are interested in the forum beyond the immediate sale; I find the fake enthusiasm extremely annoying, but maybe that's just me.

and I like Ben just fine, excellent musician, I knew him when he was in high school in New Haven. Though he does owe me a favor...

Edited by AllenLowe
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