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My reading list

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I find myself an insatiable reader lately and would like to pass on some recommendations for your consideration:

Warne Marsh: An Unsung Cat (Safford Chamberlin--Scarecrow)

This not only plumbs the depths of Marsh's life and the reasons he wasn't better known in scores of interviews with colleagues, friends, his ex-wife, etc. but also has several transcriptions of solos by this master improvisor.

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy (Richard Jourdain)

I mentioned this before. It's a pianist/scientist's excellently organized and presented views and data on how the creative mind is organized, remembers, and works---and how, why, and to what listeners of music respond.

Also: cheapie collections of poetry of Langston Hughes (In Time of Silver Rain and the Final Corner among my favorites), Shakespeare (Midsummer Night's Dream, R&J), Homer. The preceding were all $4 or less, boogie on, poor but happy dude. :party:

Edna St. Vincent Millay is next. Ooh La la.

Edited by fasstrack
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