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Cindy is leaving Mosaic


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Does Cindy read this forum? If so, I would like to express how much I will miss her. She is the epitome of a professional customer service representative.

It doesn't get any better. She always had the right things to say (in writing -- I never had the pleasure of talking with her). I wish you well.

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Oh man, sorry to hear that...I think I talked to her just this morning (called to ask when the Artie Shaw would be shipping). She's always been a real pleasure to talk to and very good at her job--can you imagine having to deal with our lot all of the time? ^_^ Best of luck, Cindy. :tup

Edited by ghost of miles
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I'm totally with you on that one... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh man, sorry to hear that...I think I talked to her just this morning (called to ask when the Artie Shaw would be shipping). She's always been a real pleasure to talk to and very good at her job--can you imagine having to deal with our lot all of the time? ^_^ Best of luck, Cindy. :tup
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I heard she went to work for OJC -

A prime contender for "inane post of the year".

Do you mean from that particular poster or in general? if it's the former there's a lot of competition for that.

You can send Cindy your best wishes or just say thanks by sending an e-mail to csr@mosaicrecords.com and just put "FAO Cindy Wilson.‏" in the subject line.

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