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Does Liqueur Go Bad if Kept in the Refrigerator?

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I don't think so. If the cap wasn't screwed on tight perhaps it may have picked up odors but there shouldn't be any spoilage. Cause you know, it's alcohol.

As it wasn't creme-based was it stored there so as to be cold when served? (Another way alcohol ends up in the fridge when it needn't be there is during a night of drinking. ;))

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I don't think so. If the cap wasn't screwed on tight perhaps it may have picked up odors but there shouldn't be any spoilage. Because you know, it's alcohol.

As it wasn't creme-based was it stored there so as to be cold when served? (Another way alcohol ends up in the fridge when it needn't be there is during a night of drinking. ;))

A "cause" is an event due to the result of some specific thing which happens. It's not a conjunction.

And you're welcome.

Edited by GoodSpeak
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I don't think so. If the cap wasn't screwed on tight perhaps it may have picked up odors but there shouldn't be any spoilage. Because you know, it's alcohol.

As it wasn't creme-based was it stored there so as to be cold when served? (Another way alcohol ends up in the fridge when it needn't be there is during a night of drinking. ;))

A "cause" is an event due to the result of some specific thing which happens. It's not a conjunction.

And you're welcome.

Wow, a grammar flame! Is it 1993 and am I on alt.fan.organ-trio?

It's slang you nitwit.

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I don't think so. If the cap wasn't screwed on tight perhaps it may have picked up odors but there shouldn't be any spoilage. Because you know, it's alcohol.

As it wasn't creme-based was it stored there so as to be cold when served? (Another way alcohol ends up in the fridge when it needn't be there is during a night of drinking. ;))

A "cause" is an event due to the result of some specific thing which happens. It's not a conjunction.

And you're welcome.

Wow, a grammar flame! Is it 1993 and am I on alt.fan.organ-trio?

It's slang you nitwit.


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Dude, it's incredibly cheap-ass champagne. "Proceed with caution" is an extereme redundancy. :g

So are the kids still diggin' on it these days? I was quite enthusiastic to get me some good cheap hooch when I was a young 'un. It really wasn't all that complicated.

Besides Cold Duck there was Sloe Gin, Lime Vodka and Seven & Sevens, to name a few. The s w e e t entry-level drinks. :bad:

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Dude, it's incredibly cheap-ass champagne. "Proceed with caution" is an extereme redundancy. :g

So are the kids still diggin' on it these days? I was quite enthusiastic to get me some good cheap hooch when I was a young 'un. It really wasn't all that complicated.

Besides Cold Duck there was Sloe Gin, Lime Vodka and Seven & Sevens, to name a few. The s w e e t entry-level drinks. :bad:

It was rum & coke for me. :bad:

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I don't think so. If the cap wasn't screwed on tight perhaps it may have picked up odors but there shouldn't be any spoilage. Because you know, it's alcohol.

As it wasn't creme-based was it stored there so as to be cold when served? (Another way alcohol ends up in the fridge when it needn't be there is during a night of drinking. ;))

A "cause" is an event due to the result of some specific thing which happens. It's not a conjunction.

And you're welcome.

Wow, a grammar flame! Is it 1993 and am I on alt.fan.organ-trio?

It's slang you nitwit.


No, it isn't.

"Cuz" would be slang.

It wasn't a flame either. It is my business to know these things. Just trying to help you look more intelligent is all.

Carry on.

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Friend of mine was at his parents' house a few years ago. He found a bottle of Irish Creme in the fridge and had a taste. It tasted funny, so he asked his dad where the bottle came from.

"Aunt So-and-so's wedding, I think."

My friend blanched.


Yeah, those creme based bottles can get mighty funky with age (hence the original poster's distinction of what he had in the fridge). My dad has a bottle of snake wine that was a gift while on a trip to China sometime in the early '80s. It's one of those things that tasted so awful when it new no one is sure if it's gone bad. I tried another little taste last May. I didn't think any damage was done, but now I think the slang part of my brain may have taken a hit.

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Friend of mine was at his parents' house a few years ago. He found a bottle of Irish Creme in the fridge and had a taste. It tasted funny, so he asked his dad where the bottle came from.

"Aunt So-and-so's wedding, I think."

My friend blanched.


Yeah, those creme based bottles can get mighty funky with age (hence the original poster's distinction of what he had in the fridge). My dad has a bottle of snake wine that was a gift while on a trip to China sometime in the early '80s. It's one of those things that tasted so awful when it new no one is sure if it's gone bad. I tried another little taste last May. I didn't think any damage was done, but now I think the slang part of my brain may have taken a hit.

There's an unopened bottle of Hiram Walker Creme de Menthe in my mom's liquor cabinet that looks nothing like the modern Hiram Walker packaging. Most of the liquor in our house dates from my birth in 1982 (nobody in the immediate family was a big hard alcohol drinker but they had a big party at the house so they felt obligated to stock up). But this bottle looks way older than you'd expect something made in 1982 to be.

Finally curiosity got the better of me and I started playing detective. There's a 7-digit phone number and name on the bottle and I do a Google search for it and find that that number is still in use by a liquor store by that exact name in Panama City, FL (600 miles from my parents' house). And I found another site run by this guy who collects liquor stamps used by state beverage commissions. The Florida stamp on this bottle dates back to the period 1947-49 - meaning that most likely my great-grandmother brought the bottle to my grandparents for my father's birth in 1949 in Tallahassee, and nobody drank it then either.

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"Cuz" would be slang.

It wasn't a flame either. It is my business to know these things. Just trying to help you look more intelligent is all.

Cause ur smart.

I probably should have used an apostrophe as in 'cause, but I had a busy day in front of me with the garden, making gazpacho, helping a neighbor with her computer and other things so in a hurry I dropped the Be and didn't add a ' as I didn't realize this was a test. Not to sound haughty but I suspect this is just passive-aggressive "payback" on your part for me having pointed out the "magic number" problem you were having over in the baseball thread, so way to go Goody.

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