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Dial Soap has just announced that they are reissuing the Charlie Parker California recordings in both original mono and remastered stereo. Apparently Ross Russell did some early experimentation, and panned the band to once side and Bird to the other, revealing many hitherto unknown personal details about the alto genius: one can hear him coughing in several places; in others he is making phone calls to his drug connection, and in still others he is arranging dates with hip white Chicks.

the recordings will be housed in a box shaped like a laundry soap container, with a narrow spout shaped like a syringe. There will be separate boxes for scented and unscented.

Edited by AllenLowe
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Dial Soap has just announced that they are reissuing the Charlie Parker California recordings in both original mono and remastered stereo. Apparently Ross Russell did some early experimentation, and panned the band to once side and Bird on the other, revealing many hitherto unknown personal details about the alto genius: one can hear him coughing in several places; in others he is making phone calls to his drug connection, and in still others he is arranging dates with hip white Chicks.

the recordings will be housed in a box shaped like a laundry soap container, with a narrow spout shaped like a syringe. There will be separate boxes for scented and unscented.

Where do I go to get it? Back of the store? The front of the store is filled with Beatles mono boxes blocking my way...

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Dial Soap has just announced that they are reissuing the Charlie Parker California recordings in both original mono and remastered stereo. Apparently Ross Russell did some early experimentation, and panned the band to once side and Bird to the other, revealing many hitherto unknown personal details about the alto genius: one can hear him coughing in several places; in others he is making phone calls to his drug connection, and in still others he is arranging dates with hip white Chicks.

the recordings will be housed in a box shaped like a laundry soap container, with a narrow spout shaped like a syringe. There will be separate boxes for scented and unscented.

I pre-ordered it, and also ordered it, and it should be arriving this afternoon, and I'm also going to buy it during my lunch break today (I'm having a tuna sandwich and some Doritos (sour cream and onion) on the way over, and I'll probably stop and get a diet Pepsi if I have time... I also have to make a separate stop to pick up some unwaxed dental floss and a new flyswatter). I have a coupon, and a store credit that I've had since 2006 when I traded in some JRVG's that I had upgraded to JRVG's (see my previous posts), and I have some extra cash that I got from selling some obi strips with imperfections on them. Anyway, I heard a preview copy at my sister's ex-boyfriend's (long story, I'll explain later) accountant's brother's house, and the mono versions sounded STUPENDOUS. The stereo versions also sounded STUPENDOUS. I'm not even sure which versions I prefer, but I don't think I'll ever need to buy this material again.... will I? When do you guys think this stuff might get remastered again?

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Will the mono recordings be based on the 2003 mix or the 1983 (to my mind definitive) mix?

And will there be a computer game where you can join in playing across the barline and simulate eating three chicken dinners whilst drinking gallons of alcohol and imbibing other substances?

If so...awesome!

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they had somehow ended up in his rectum - and were discovered during a recent colonoscopy - he was quite relieved, as he'd thought he had polyps - until he remembered finding them at a yard sale and ingesting them to keep them from other collectors-

Edited by AllenLowe
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