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blues project getting closer


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I sent off the masters today, all 36 cds. Finishing the liner notes this week, I hope (how I spent my summer vacation: these notes, which I though would be quick and easy, ended up as almost 80,000 words).

935 cuts in all, covering 1893-1959. Will try to print the list in a few days,

next: going to NYC in October to do a little performance film with Matt Shipp, if all works out.

this was a tough project, about 3 years work done in one year; almost had a physical breakdown in the beginning of August - the wife made me go to the doctor, who assured her I had not had a stroke (I was disoriented for about 3 days; thought I was Halle Berry. Left the scene of an accident and did a nude scene with Billy Bob Thornton).

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Dan, apologies, in a prior thread I posted about how much I loved the Baby Face cuts - I ended up using 2 - Why and I Can't Keep from Lovin' You - thought you had seen the post - and yes, you made the liner notes, as follows: ( I Can't Keep From Lovin You)

Yipes, who is this guy and how did I miss him in the first musical phase of my life? Thanks to Dan Gould for pulling my coat to the early recordings of Willette, who sings and plays like an unreconstructed sinner snuck into church for one last go-round before throwing in the sanctified towel. The song is by way of Blind Willie Johnson, and on its way to the Blues Project, who recorded it with alterations in the 1960s. If anyone ever asks you what is meant by "after hours," play them this recording.

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Cool, Allen! I see what happened - you posted about those choices in a different thread than the one about this project specifically and that's how I missed it.

Since I didn't send the 45 to you, I should get some sort of audio credit, too - I did the manual pop/click removal on those two. ;)

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one more teaser - and I was going to post this as a new topic but I figure you guys have seen enough of new topics on my alleged blues project - but - true nerd that I am becoming, I woke up in the middle of the night last night and realized that I had inadvertently discovered the earliest recorded blues from - 1906 - yes, 1906, and it's a recording by an African American, and it not only contains the blues but it was, as the saying goes, in plain sight for over 100 years -

sorry to be a tease, but that's all I am going to say until the project comes out -

film at 11 - right now I have to rest, as I am bone-fried (to quote Larry Kart, sorta).

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