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Wanna see play live Charlie Parker or Hank Mobley, this is your chance

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It's the nutjobs that make California so great and wonderfully diverse! Who wants to live in some boring part of the country where folks don't want to travel back in time?

I do love these sorts of scenarios, and they form the basis for quite a few of the fantasy/sf books I read.

Most pertinently, many years ago I read a sf short story in which the lead character had an obsession/love affair with the past. When, through some mumbo jumbo technology/magick the nature of which I completely forget, he finally was granted his wish to actually travel into the past, he had no control over the process. So he ended up in some pre-historic era in which the human-like residents were knuckle-draggers without even fire. A long way from that dude's favourite historic eras. And when he finally got to travel back to what he thought would be his own time zone, he ended up in a joint so far into the future that there was nothing but endless corridors of cold, white, humming computers.

Isn't this H.G. Wells's The Time Machine?

I dunno - is it? I can't recall reading that partiklar story of his; in fact, I think the yarn I was referring to was in one of those Dangerous Visions anthologies. But it was a long time ago ...

My time travel gigs of choice would be Louis Gottschalk, Jelly Roll Morton, Buddy Bolden, Charley Patton and Grateful Dead, circa 1968.

While I was out stocking up on tinned tomatoes, pasta, olive oil, sausages and so on from Mediterranean Wholesalers, I realised that if I'm indulging in a wishlist of this kind, I really gotta have some country in there, too ...

Um, um ... Milton Brown & His Musical Brownies, early '30s.

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