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Another one bites the dust........


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This afternoon I had a thought to go see my friend guitarist Michael Howell at a gig he's had for possibly the run of the restaurant. The Village West, on West 9th street in NY. has been open 9 years and the gig was found by a bassist, the late Fred Zabin. Michael was playing in duet on Sundays with bassist Andy McCloud. The place was a Village landmark, always filled to capacity when I ws there. The owners were very supportive of the music.

When I got there I was greeted by Steve, who turned out to be the owner. He gave me a 'cut' sign, meaning 'closed'---then he said 'permanently'. I looked behind him to where the bandstand area was a mere few weeks ago when I last visited. There were no tables and Steve and another guy were sweeping up, the floor littered with boxes. The lease was up and a better-heeled prospective tenant offered the landlord double the money----whereupon he did what landlords do: took it, booted Steve out on his ass, and ran like a thief.

We got to talking. Naturally, I told him how bad I felt. Then I told him that I had some real financial problems lately and I also had been taken advantage of by greedy, powerful people. I mentioned that I feared violent revolution in this country, looking around and seeing what's going on, and the disgust and rage of good people getting rained on. He said he 'was ready' himself. Steve offered me a bottle of wine. I took it gratefully, but, needless to say, would've preferred tp gp on and talk to and maybe jam with Michael, with the sounds of people having a good time ringing happily behind us.

RIP, Village West.

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I didn't know that Michael Howell was still alive. Drag to hear about the gig, but good to find that out. Cloud/silver lining/etc.

But for real, although I know it's a drag to lose a cool hang in the name of progress, did anything illegal and/or unethical go down here? Or did the landlord just do what dispassionate landlords do - seek a better return on his investment?

What I've long wondered is this - in what percentage of the time would a tenant of such an establishment making an aggressive effort to instill some sort of personal connection to the venue in the landlord actually pay off? You know, get the guy in there, get him to feel the vibe, make him a hero to the patrons, etc, how many times might that pay off in some form when the lease expires? In other words, is it possible to make a dispassionate landlord a little less dipassionat, enough to change the dynamic in a favorable direction?

That a rhetorical question, really. I have no idea. But I do know that sometimes sucking up to power can keep you alive to fight a better battle. Hell, look at Moses, look at Joseph...

Edited by JSngry
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I didn't know that Michael Howell was still alive. Drag to hear about the gig, but good to find that out. Cloud/silver lining/etc.

But for real, although I know it's a drag to lose a cool hang in the name of progress, did anything illegal and/or unethical go down here? Or did the landlord just do what dispassionate landlords do - seek a better return on his investment?

What I've long wondered is this - in what percentage of the time would a tenant of such an establishment making an aggressive effort to instill some sort of personal connection to the venue in the landlord actually pay off? You know, get the guy in there, get him to feel the vibe, make him a hero to the patrons, etc, how many times might that pay off in some form when the lease expires? In other words, is it possible to make a dispassionate landlord a little less dipassionat, enough to change the dynamic in a favorable direction?

That a rhetorical question, really. I have no idea. But I do know that sometimes sucking up to power can keep you alive to fight a better battle. Hell, look at Moses, look at Joseph...

The landlord went for the money. Nobody was doing anything untoward and it was a great restaurant.

Michael is very much alive and sounding very well.

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In NYC, ( in New York State in general) dispassionate landlords have to pay ridiculous and ever rising ( and dispassionate) property taxes.

No amount of good vibes can pay that bill.

The last time I saw Michael Howell, he was playing with Sonny Rollins, I believe.

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What a drag, man--that's right in the nabe. :-( Hopefully something nice will replace it--hopefully with music. Sadly, other than the standbys, the W. Village is littered with the remains of places trying to put music out there that "just didn't make it." No idea why.

Yes, that was it.

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In NYC, ( in New York State in general) dispassionate landlords have to pay ridiculous and ever rising ( and dispassionate) property taxes.

No amount of good vibes can pay that bill.

The last time I saw Michael Howell, he was playing with Sonny Rollins, I believe.

Michael never mention working with Sonny. I'll ask him. I know he worked with Blakey for a minute. Woody Shaw was in the band.

Landlords have their problems, to be sure. Mine is kicking my ass out, but we're staying friendly b/c I know i did wrong. But too many are greedy SOBs, and the tide is turning against them.

I worked for a boss who never invested a dime in her product---car service vehicles---just let the cars rot, and to hell with the customers. Someone at the base opined that she's full of it for saying she doesn't have the money, she should cut into the profit margin and take a short-term loss. She never will, and will lose the business for sure, b/c she's a greedy idiot. Customers don't want to be treated like shit, and the good thing about capitalism is the open market system: competition. Landlords do the aforementioned all the time, go for, in the words of the great economist Terry Malloy the 'short end money'. And NY is going to hell b/c of their mercenery asses. Soon even the rats are going to have to move to Newark.

Edited by fasstrack
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