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Very clever! The only thing it left out was the hours and hours where nothing is happening, but they still keep checking in with their correspondents:

Cooper: We still have no confirmation on the landing. Let's go to our London correspondent and see what the mood is like over there.

London: Anderson, the mood is wait and see over here. We haven't actually heard anything from the astronauts, so the British people don't have any reaction at this time.

Cooper: There must be some anticipation.

London: There is a good deal of anticipation, of something historic happening, but since we have no new information at this time, the mood is still very much wait and see.

Cooper: For the Russian reaction, we go to Moscow.

Moscow: We don't have any new information here, Anderson. Mr. Putin has declined to make any comment on the anticipated lunar landing.

Cooper: The United States is moments away from beating the Russians to the moon. That must be galling.

Moscow: It may well be, Anderson, but we don't have any confirmation from Mr. Putin's office.

Cooper: We now go to Houston to see if there is any new information on the landing.

Houston: There is a hush of anticipation here, Anderson. But as of yet, we have no news. We have been told that a press conference will be called the moment they have anything at all.

Cooper: We have William Kristol here in the studio. Bill, how do Republicans feel at this moment?

Kristol: Anderson, I have no doubt that if John McCain had been elected President, we would have gotten to the moon twice as fast.

Cooper: Hold on, Bill. I'm getting something from Neverland. Apparently, there's some new information on Michael Jackson's kids...


"*ZZZZZZZZZZZ* That's one small step..."

"We interrupt this program for an important announcement: Michael Jackson has just died. We'll now switch to Celebrity News Headquarters to follow this breaking story!"

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