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Did you find that the power conditioner made much difference, porcy?

It sounded better, the biggest improvement was bass frequency focus, with my previous stuff, Audio Reaserch LS22 and Mark Levinson 29. Considering the cost and the results, I wouldn't buy it again, expecially with Linn gears. I think that Linn's power supply (switching mode) is quite indifferent to power conditioner, at least to my ears.

Thanks, porcy and blake ! I suspect that it would not help much either in my case, with the Lingo and XPS power supplies.

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After about a year of talking about it, I finally made an upgrade in my system. I replaced my H/K 3380 receiver with a Rotel RA-1062. For the price, I'm very happy with it. My system is now the Rotel, an NAD C542, a Technics SL1200, and a pair of Infinity Sterling series tower speakers from the mid-90s. The speakers are obviously the weak link at this point, but I really don't think they sound all that bad. Eventually I'll upgrade them to B&W (or something of that ilk), and I'll upgrade the interconnect for the CD player and the speaker cables.

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Z-Man posted: Up to see if DrJ ever fired up those MC-30's. Curious to hear what your results were Doc....

Yes, I DID fire up the MC30s and I am totally smitten by the sound. In fact my Audio Note Meishu amp is now currently up for auction on eBay! The MC30s are just friggin' unbelievable...yes they are "slower" and less accurate than modern amps but what you gain in terms of midrange presence, tonality, and overall musicality is just amazing. And the Marantz 7 preamp is amazing too, though it needed a MM cartridge for the phono stage to really sing...so I'm also selling my Sumiko Blackbird high output MC cart on eBay, after having replaced it with a Shure V15VxMR MM cart. This is such a great cartridge it makes me nauseated that I ever screwed around with a MC cart, and one that cost twice as much as the Shure to boot...the tracking is unbelievable - NO inner groove distortion, NO sibilance on passages with a lot of hot highs...and tonally neutral. No wonder Steve Hoffman and many other audio engineers use it as a reference standard cart in mastering and record cutting labs.

To say the least, I'm a wee bit happy with this new set up! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Antique Sound Lab SET 300B (JJ's)

Not really an intigrated per say, but has one input with a volume pot...so no preamp required.

Rega Planet

Quad FM3 tuner w/ Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna

Pandora "S" interconnects

Custom 2-way, front ported speaker enclosures w/ Vifa drivers ( 8" woofers, 1" tweeters)

Enclosures designed for the drivers via the anechoic chamber at the National Research Council in Ottawa (many thanks, the Cdn speaker industry owes a debt of gratitude).

The speakers manage about 91db, so just enough to let the 300B's do their job. I have been toying with the idea of a single-driver speaker though.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The current setup in my music room is as follows:

Modified 1983 Oiled Oak Klipschorns

Custom KT66 monoblock tube amps loaded with 1950's Mullard tubes

Decware ZTPRE flagship tube preamp

VPI HW-19MKIV turntable with Origin live silver arm and Benz Micro L2 MC cartridge

Plinius Jarrah phono stage

2 sonace 15 inch powered subs

Room treatments are GIK Acoustics

VPI 17 record cleaning machine.

LAST record and stylus cleaning products.

Heres a shot of the front wall. The Klipschorns are 20 ft apart. My room is roughly 22x20. The turntable on the right is a modified Music Hall MMF-5 that I use also. I also have many cd's but have not had a cd player in my main system for a while now. :D


I have around 6000 records of all types. Here's a shot of my rear wall with around 3000 records. I'll be adding the same shelves to my side wall soon to finish bringing in the rest of my records. I'm also restoring various 1950's and 60's tube gear seen on top of the shelves.


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Yes they are Ikea Expedit shelves. Hard to beat for the price.

I almost moved in that direction, but the dimensions of my listening room wouldn't permit the Expedit units, therefore I'm having a custom build storage 15 feet long and 7 feet high made by a professional cabinet maker. That should be enough for my records I hope.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is what I am working with.

MARANTZ 3250 STEREO PRE-AMP. MARANTZ 300 DC STEREO POWER AMP. KLIPSCH K-HORNS KC-BB 1977 REVOX B77 MKII STEREO TAPE RECORDER. SONY RCD-W500C. MARANTZ 2100 STEREO TUNER. .Scott 299 intergrated amp. Antique Sound Labs 2a3 SET Orchid Intergrated amp. Decware Z-BOX.

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This is what I am working with.

MARANTZ 3250 STEREO PRE-AMP. MARANTZ 300 DC STEREO POWER AMP. KLIPSCH K-HORNS KC-BB 1977 REVOX B77 MKII STEREO TAPE RECORDER. SONY RCD-W500C. MARANTZ 2100 STEREO TUNER. .Scott 299 intergrated amp. Antique Sound Labs 2a3 SET Orchid Intergrated amp. Decware Z-BOX.

Ah the Decware ZBox!


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I currently have an extremely bizarre setup...and also a rather cheap setup...but it gets me through for now.

My computer is the central component of my system (has been for awhile) and my turntable and other items are hooked up via a small Mackie mixing board. I'm using a Yamaha power amp, Soundblaster Audigy HD soundcard, JBL near-field monitors & an old Technics 1800 turntable. Plus a Shure SM58 for recording my guitar noodlings. :lol:

That's stereo #1.

The second system is a mid-price Sony DTS surround system (which I'm slowly upgrading with better speakers). The two systems are networked together using a Xbox 360 as the media extender. By having the systems networked, I am able to access any music on my computer via the Xbox 360 and play it on my "living room" system.

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I went into a Maryland hi-fi shop on Thursday intent on purchasing a Mac MA6900 integrated and wound up instead walking out of the door with a receipt for a beautiful (used: 7 mo) pair of the Dynaudio Contour S3.4 that a classical lover had traded-in & upgraded to the Confidence 2's). When they're delivered on Tue., they'll be paired up with:

Musical Fidelity A300 dual mono integrated

Arcam CD73

Pioneer DV-45A SACD

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My system:


NAD c420

Digital Front End:

Denon 2910 & NAD c541i



Speaker System:

Dynaudio Audience 52

It works well for me since I don't listen to music in a large room. The speakers are very good, and for some reason, brass instruments sound cystal clear. I bought the Denon about six months ago and I use it mostly for SACDs, though, if I had it to do over again, I think I should have stayed with just the NAD c541i, which is an excellent on redbook & HDCD. SACDs are nice, but the price is so high I don't buy that many.

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