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Swine Flu. Anyone here come down with it?

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My wife's doctor (of all people) got it. This guy would probably have been making light of all the hoopla, and probably was even after being diagnosed. Anyway, he was quite low key about it, and only 'fessed up after having to cancel all of his appointments.

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My wife's doctor (of all people) got it. This guy would probably have been making light of all the hoopla, and probably was even after being diagnosed. Anyway, he was quite low key about it, and only 'fessed up after having to cancel all of his appointments.

Glad to hear she alright.

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  • 4 months later...

Just came from the Doctor a short time ago and he said I had the swine flu. I felt crappy last night and after going to bed early in an effort to get sufficient rest, I still felt lousy this morning. Called in sick. I have a fever, achiness, lack of appetite, all those wonderful symptoms. I'm out of work for at least the next 3 days, possibly longer. This coupled with the fact I've had this nagging cough the past 6 weeks which only has gotten worse over the past 24 hrs doesn't help the situation. I had an annual physical 6 weeks ago and got a flu shot but nothing for the swine flu. I'm pretty much confined to the house and have to get plenty of rest. It sucks but what can you do?

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Get well Tom!

In early August I came down with something (was tested for flu, throat infection, etc. and results were negative) that gave me the body aches, fever, and loss of appetite as I've never had it before. (No cough, minimal congestion). It took me a week to get over, was almost a week before I had antibioitics and ten days on them, and weeks to feel energetic again.

I don't want to have that again! I'm rarely sick and I hate being sick. (Okay, everyone does.)

Edited by jazzbo
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I've got the flu. Was just diagnosed yesterday. I'm out of work until Monday (and I don't get sick pay, which means this week is a wash-out for me). Two things REALLY suck: I've got a run of TheatreSports starting this weekend, and if I'm not feeling better by tomorrow night, this means I'm going to miss that too! I'm also going to have to miss Halloween, which is my favorite day of the year!

Now I don't know if it's really H1N1, but they are assuming that all cases of flu are H1N1. The doctor put me on Tamiflu. I feel crappy, but luckily I don't feel too crappy to listen to music and read. I finished rereading "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" last night and now I'm reading "Where Dead Voices Gather" by Nick Toches (about black-face comedian/singer Emmet Miller).

Edited by Alexander
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Where I work a 30 year old woman without any pre-existing conditions caught it this summer and she died. She was of Cambodian background. A beautiful, fun, vibrant person. Swine flu is no joke around here. We have been read the riot act about not coming to work with a cough, washing our hands frequently, etc.

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A friend of mine died from swine flu on Tuesday. He came down with it a week earlier and had been in intensive care since last Thursday with grave respiratory difficulties. He was 36 years old and in good health. He had three kids.

Wash your hands frequently.

Edited by Tom Storer
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I've been taking Tylenol for the fever and ocassional chills and that seems to be working. I'm getting ALOT of sleep. I'm pretty much confining myself to my bed, since it appears when I do get up and move around I start feeling bad again. I'm coughing my head off at times although I am taking some cough medicine the doctor prescribed to help. An interesting story, I called work yesterday to talk to my supervisor after my doctor visit and that I had the swine. She wanted documentation from my doctor that this was the case. She said it was one thing if I had just the regular flu, but since it was swine she needed to follow a different set of procedures.

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My wife (who is a critcal care nurse) had the flu jab and the H1N1 jab. She's always had the flu jab, but swore she wouldn't have the H1N1 because the lack of long-term data about its safety. After everyone else in her department had it, she changed her mind. I have always eschewed the flu jab, but now I'm in two minds. I'd get it free, as a clinical employee of the NHS. What to do?

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