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Do the Sundazed LPs have better sound than the standard Josie reissues? My Josie of The Meters could stand some improvement, and I want to start picking up the others.

Are they all analogue, or have they been done digitally then dumped on to vinyl?

Help me out, fellow vinyl funkateers! B)


Don't know the specifics of their Meters reissues but Sundazed doesn't generally do dumps of digital to analog...I have their Blonde On Blonde (in MONO) on LP and it's superb so I'd guess they would be the way to go for the Meters (or the MGs for that matter). As long as I'm going slighly off-topic, I have to say that I find the Josie era Meters definitely preferable to WB era Meters.

Posted (edited)

I would contact Sundazed to get the answer to your question.

I own about 15 Sundazed LP's and think they sound very good. All analog.

Many of the recordings/tapes they have to work with were nothing special to begin (small labels, limited budget, etc..) with so they are limited on how good they can make them sound.

Do not expect miracles. Their Stax/Volt re-issues sound as good as the few originals I have.

Buy one and check it out.

Edited by wolff

Thanks. I've done a bit of browsing, and it seems they keep things analogue, but, as you say, can't make a silk ear from a sow's purse. I'll put the other two Josie albums on the Christmas list. Dusty Groove looks good, with the Dollar/Sterling rate they way it is!

Posted (edited)

I think Sundazed does a fine job with their reissues, though I don't own any myself. As for the "Josie" reissues, you gotta know that Josie themselves aren't putting those out. It might be who of you to research who bought the rights. On a similar note, there are several reissues of psychedelic 60's dates formerly on majors now out on reissue vinyl (I'm thinking specifically of The Millennium, Sagittarius, Gandalf, etc.) that are clearly not funded by the labels who initially issued them (Capitol, Columbia, etc). Interestingly, they do not include reissue credits either on the jacket art or on a decal (a la Sundazed or Get Back) so it would be difficult to track down their origins.....

Edited by Brandon Burke
Posted (edited)

I can't find the Sundazed LPs of Look-Ka Py Py or Struttin' anywhere (eg. not on Sundazed's site, Dusty Groove, any of the various vinyl site links I've accumulated over the years, or Google) - anyone got any suggestions?

Edited by David Williams

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