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Things Are Never As Simple As They Appear To Be


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Cousin who lives closeby.

If you notice his name isn't Allan, but ALEX!

I signed him up because he wanted some stuff from you, but since you won't deal with me he thought he might do it himself. He has no internet access.

I sent you a PM. Again, I feel like a criminal again for something that really doesn't concern anyone. Now, not only am I being criticized for being rude and inconsiderate, but I'm also being critisized for helping a family member out.

Will it ever stop, or should I just resign from the board? Honestly, I frequent this board because I like jazz, but if this is what comes of it then really there's no point.

Maybe, I should expect a post from "shrugs" next seeing as him and I also had a falling out. Please do, because many of you have already cast me as the board's "whipping boy". I really feel this is unfair treatment, and what's more, unwarranted.

Edited by undergroundagent
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In fact, check that. I think the time has come that I do resign. Honeslty, whatever disagreements I've had with people in the past, I've never embarrassed them in public or, in this case, on the board. I've always made a point of keeping what's private, PRIVATE!

If some of you cannot do the same, then it's not worth my time!

Once again, I will apoligize for something that I don't think warrants this attention. If grey, you felt slighted by our past transaction gone sour, I'm really very sorry, but this is humiliating and if that's what your goal was, congrats because you succeeded.

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Again, I feel like a criminal again for something that really doesn't concern anyone.

Unforetunately, it concerns me. Last year I tactfully asked you never to reply again to my offerings. But you couldn't leave well enough alone. Bandito registers last week, posts once to me on my thread, sends me two PMs asking for soul-jazz, it is all done on your computer but it is not you, it is your cousin. This carries as much credibility as why I was never reimbursed last year.

I am referring this matter to B3-er.

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Unbelievable! Just for my own information, I did a search on undergroundagent's posts, and skimmed through a couple of pages worth of 'em. I found nothing that was even remotely rude, so the fact that it's come to this is pretty hard for me to understand. It should have been dropped a long time ago.

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How was this post intended for anything but to smear my name?

Answer the question? Because in so far as I can see, you have no proof that there was any ill intention or harm done to you IN THIS MATTER by me. Whether my cousin wants to deal with you is none of my concern. On the other hand, if you won't deal with him because of the situation that occurred between us, then that's quite another story that I think we would be better handled either on the phone or in person.

I cannot understand the sudden infatuation of some members of this board to express their hatred of me. Granted, I am blunt and direct, but I do not think this warrants a public outcry to see me burned at the stake. For those who continue to do this, I have but one suggestion for you and that is to quit hiding behind your computer and act like adults! Such name-calling and accusations are better suited to those of the pre-school age and if you can't deal with that then too bad!

As far as addressing this issue to the owner of this site, be my guest! I would encourage someone to start a poll to determine if I should be removed from this site. I'm begging you, please do. Because if you remove me from this board, it is you people who are the ones in the wrong. I've done nothing to harm any of you! Can the people who've done this to me admit to themselves and everyone else the same thing? I think not!!!

Edited by undergroundagent
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Nobody's gonna have you banned from this board, UA.

With all due respect, get some thicker skin, and stick it out. There's like two or maybe three people here (at most) who are making accusations about you.

Now either these accusations are true, or they're not, or the truth is somewhere in between. BUT, you quitting the board over it this just as childish as you think they're actions are. And all you leaving does, is possibly solidify the notion that there was some truth to their claims.

I think you should stay...

...but like I said in my prior gif post...


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Nobody's gonna have you banned from this board, UA.

With all due respect, get some thicker skin, and stick it out. There's like two or maybe three people here (at most) who are making accusations about you.

Now either these accusations are true, or they're not, or the truth is somewhere in between. BUT, you quitting the board over it this just as childish as you think they're actions are. And all you leaving does, is possibly solidify the notion that there was some truth to their claims.

I think you should stay...

...but like I said in my prior gif post...


Agree with Rooster. Nuff said!

Now back to Aligator Boogaloo... :w

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I'd just like to say that I hate EVERYONE currently viewing the board and you're ALL cheats and should ALL be banned and, short of that, you ALL should volunteer to LEAVE!

You know who you are...

frankc, Man with the Golden Arm, Jim R, connoisseur series500, Eric, John Tapscott, BERIGAN, Son-of-a-Weizen, Daniel A, Chuck Nessa, Bol, michel devos, Johnny E, Red, cayetano, Noj, Roger Hiles, John B, Simon Weil, Rooster_Ties, maren, DTMX, Peter Johnson, Brad, jazzhound, CJ Shearn, jazzbo, Matthew, scottb, Aftab, EKE BBB, Harold_Z, Soulstation1, Jim Dye, wulfman


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Well, as the old adage goes...

One should never judge a person until they've walked a miles in their shoes! Let's see how you people would react if you were the subject of three entire posts that portrayed you in a negative connotation.

I'm pretty sure that you would be as upset as I am. As is stands, all that these posts represent are accusations that are not representative of the truth.

As far as grey goes...sure, there was an issue awhile back that occurred on the Blue Note board, but again that's no one's business! I've had problems with many people buying/trading with me on here, AAJ, and back on BNBB that were either resolved, or let die because it simply wasn't worth the hassle. The bottom line is that whatever problem he has/had with me, he should have resolved it with me! Instead, the man has chosen to bring back an issue that is probably a year and half old and make it everyone's business. How can I respond to that in a way that doesn't make me look guilty?!?!? After all, I'm already the focus of another assault by jazzhound in which many board members already question my credibility.

My decision to leave the board has nothing to do with the fact that I can't take what's being thrown my way by a few board members. Rather, it's because there's no enjoyment in coming here if all it's going to be is "Bash Allan" everyday. I come here to learn about jazz, ask questions, and maybe buy/sell a few things, but I need not waste my time if I have to constantly explain myself to people who certainly don't constitute a jury.

While I am thankful to many of you for helping me advance my knowledge of jazz, I can't help but think that it was all for not in light of the events of the last four days. This weekend has certainly left a sour taste in my mouth!

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