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I was thinking about how long some sets have been on or were on the "last chance" part of the Mosaic site, and was wondering if anyone knows which sets have been the fastest and slowest sellers. I've heard it mentioned many times that sets sometimes don't reach their limit, either (the Bud Shank set is a recent example). What other sets have gone OOP before reaching their limit? It seems like the Andrew Hill set was another example, but I can't remember for sure.


I'd have to think that the Larry Young Mosaic was a very slow seller, maybe the "slowest seller" of any Blue Note Mosaic box.

I can't remember the details, but I know I've read on the BNBB that it "timed-out" long before the end of it's run. I think barely half the total number of sets it was supposed to be limied to (7,500 - if my memory is right), were actually produced. I think we arived at that 'fact', either from someone never having seen one with any number higher than 4,000 --- or else maybe someone from Mosaic let us in on the inside scoop.

And, of course, the Woody Shaw Mosiac certainly hung around a very long time too.


There are two aspects to this. Yes, the Woody Shaw hung around for a long time (longer than it should have) but if memory serves me correctly, it did sell the full 5,000. I guess this set was not limited by time, only by the number sold.

Others seem to be limited not only by numbers, but by a certain time frame, as well. With sets like the Bud Shank the time just ran out (I think it maxed out at just under 3,000) This will happen to the Chico Hamilton, too. I recently got a set - #3134, so by the time the lease runs out sometime this year, it will probably be around 3300 sets sold.

It seems to me that the sets controlled by Capitol/EMI are limited by numbers and by time, but the sets which come from Verve and Sony are only limited by numbers. For example, the JJ Johnson Columbia set and the Teddy Wilson Verve set have both been around longer than the Chico Hamilton set, and they're not yet running low. In a way, this seems strange, given Capitol/EMI's direct interest in Mosaic.


In a catalog many, many moons ago, Michaels Cuscuna described how on occasion, as a set was nearing its expiration, Mosaic might negotiate an extension or even "buy" the rights to the remaining stock, thus enabling the set to stay in print longer.

I'm fairly certain that this was what happened to the Shaw material. Michael was involved with the original production of that material and felt very strongly that Woody's set should be available for the complete run. My guess is that with the JJ and Wilson sets, they did something to extend the life of the set as well.

But times have changes and Mosaic has produced tons more sets since those came out. With slower sales and warehouse space at a premium, my guess is that these would have been long gone if they were more recent releases. I'm sure that Mosaic knows the sales patterns of their sets and realizes that after a certain point, sets just hang around and generate relatively few sales. It just makes more sense to let these expire and enjoy the higher sales of the sets that replace them on the shelves.

Posted (edited)


I bought a Four Freshmen cd to see if I would want to buy the Freshmen Mosaic.

It was okay, but I couldn't imagine 9 cds of the stuff. I think my ears would bleed by disc 7.


Edited because of the plural men vs. singular man. :rsmile: :rhappy:

Edited by AfricaBrass

This topic will no doubt smoke out the "Mad Russian" once again! At any rate, some time ago, I was talking to Scott about the most and least popular Mosaics and I was told that the Buddy DeFranco took them forever to sell out and that up to that time, the Django set was the most popular.

Now that the gauntlet about the Freshmen has been thrown down, can that vodka swilling commie be far behind? ;)


I remember reading on the bnbb that the Shorty Rogers set was one of the poorest-selling Mosaics (though it's hard to understand why). These days it is one of the most valuable sets-funny how these things work out... :rolleyes:


I heard zat zee little Ruski perished when the walls collapsed over at the BNBB. Such a pity.

Ah good Doctor. Welcome to the board! Not a moment too soon, I might add. I fear that some on the board might be masking their feelings about the Blue Note Board and might need some of your services to get over this repressed anger and go through a proper mourning period. The signs of post traumatic stress disorder might soon begin to emerge as we move further away from the events of that fateful week.

As you know, those who are having these symptoms might not even know they are having them. So obviously, they will be in denial. You have your work cut out for you.

Don't worry about me, though. I'm fine. Just don't mention Tom Evered's name in my presence. ;)

As for our dear friend Red Menace, he has survived many purges - purges that make the Blue Note purge look like child's play. I have faith that he will surface once again. I will drink vodka tonight in his honor.

Guest Mnytime

Beside the already mentioned Four Horsemen another Mosaic I expect to time out and maybe not even reach the halfway mark would be the mind shattering explosive Bobby Hackett box.

Posted (edited)

Beside the already mentioned Four Horsemen another Mosaic I expect to time out and maybe not even reach the halfway mark would be the mind shattering explosive Bobby Hackett box.

Let's hope it'll self-destruct before it reaches that point...

Edited by J.A.W.
Posted (edited)

Beside the already mentioned Four Horsemen another Mosaic I expect to time out and maybe not even reach the halfway mark would be the mind shattering explosive Bobby Hackett box.

And the discussion moves from "Horsemen" to horseshit........ ;)

Edited by Out2Lunch
Posted (edited)

Oh my red stars and aching buttocks, comrades!!! I have finally arrived, but it was a most difficult trip:


On my way I had to drop off some supplies for an old friend in Baghdad who's down on his luck these days. Loyalty, comrades, should be my middle name!!!

You'll doubtless be enthused to know that I had Comrade Dada take a snapshot of me as we were both evacuating the Blue Note Bulletin board. I had to claim that motley vista of devastation for the Motherland, should those capitalist running dogs at EMI ever try to reappropriate it for themselves. It is truly the People's Blue Note now!!!


But enough of this talk!!! I am happy to see that the Four Froshmen are as much-loved here as they were at our beloved old virtual dacha. However, I am sorry to report that I have not yet acquired this fascinating compilation!!! Perhaps, comrades, I can boost its sales stature if I do so. But I must also admit that your constant mention of this Buddy Hackett set has whetted my musical appetite as well!!! I may indeed acquire it in precedence of the Froshmen box. This capitalist consumption habit is a cursed thing, I tell you!!!

Ah, it is good to be among friends again, comrades. My feet and tank are weary and I now retire for my late-night-early-early-mid-morning vodka.

Edited by The Red Menace

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