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Arve Henricksen - Cartography

GA Russell

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Trumpeter Arve Henricksen has recorded on a number of ECM albums, including two by Trygve Seim, The Source and Sangam. He has a new album coming out this week called Cartography.

Here's the album's lineup:

Arve Henriksen: trumpets, voice, field recordings

Jan Bang: live sampling, beats, dictaphone, programming

Audun Kleive: percussion

David Sylvian: voice, samples, programming

Helge Sunde: string arrangements, programming

Eivind Aarset: guitars

Lars Danielsson: double-bass

Erik Honoré: synthesizer, samples

Arnaud Mercier: treatments

Trio Mediaeval: voice sample

Vérène Andronikof: vocals

Vytas Sonndeckis: vocal arrangement (collective personnel)

Thirty years ago this music would have been called experimental. After so much time I don't know if people would still use that term today. It is very atmospheric in the ECM sense.

There's a lot of synthesizer. Two tracks include prose readings which I could do without, but other than that I like this album. I can see it generating more sales than most ECM issues, but I don't see its sales challenging the likes of Jarrett, DeJohnette and such.

Henricksen will be touring the US next month. So far, these dates have been lined up:

June 15th and 17th in Washington DC

June 19th in Rochester, NY

June 22nd - New York, NY

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