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Looking for "Nights at the Keystone V.3"

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i'd prefer not to be called a wacko on a board i visit daily.

Can't take half my posts seriously, Kulu, but thanks for owning up. :P I shall now undercut you with $95! :lol:

I'm serious: if these sessions go so high then I'd be happy to work out a deal with someone and offer mine for significantly less.

Kulu will get his $100 one day perhaps...

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Thanks for the suggestion, Brad. It's not like I badly need to rid myself of this cd! ;) I've got it offered on half for $75, but I still think that's too high. I'll have to lower that to make it halfway reasonable.

To me, no cd is worth that much and I'd be happy to do what I can to contribute to lower prices. B)

Edited by connoisseur series500
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actually i was joking about being called a wacko. it just doesn't come across that way in writing, and i'm not too swift with the smileys.

what i like about half.com is i can put anything i want at any price and just let it sit there. i can continue to listen to it until someone comes along and pays my price.

if no one ever pays my price then i am out nothing.

i do have 1 (big) problem with half.com, and i hope someone can help me.

i made my first sales in october, and they were supposed to deposit a few hundred dollars in my checking accont on 11/7. their records are showing that the money has been deposited, but i have not received the money. i have checked their site and there is no customer service/contact info on the site anyweher. i can use any help anyone might be able to give.



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i do have 1 (big) problem with half.com, and i hope someone can help me.

i made my first sales in october, and they were supposed to deposit a few hundred dollars in my checking accont on 11/7. their records are showing that the money has been deposited, but i have not received the money. i have checked their site and there is no customer service/contact info on the site anyweher. i can use any help anyone might be able to give.



This is very worrisome to me.

I don't bother to keep up with my sales on half.com and just assume that they get things right.

Does this mean we should be checking all the time? Oops, I think I already know the answer to that one.

Let us know, Bob, if you are able to get hold of anyone over there and inform us about the proceedures.


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happy to report that i did receive my money.

apparently it takes a lot longer to get paid than half leads you to believe.

they deposit on the 15th and 31st, but they state it could take 7 additional days.

then they also say that it can take up to 3 more business days for it to show up in my account.

well, they deposited on 10/31 add 7 days and it's 11/7, then add 3 business days not counting saturday, sunday, and verteran's day, and you get 11/12.

the next deposit is scheduled for 11/15, considering weekends and holidays, i might have it in time for christmas.

one complaint i have about ebay/half is that for a multi-billion dollar company - they are impossible to contact.

they should at the very least have an 800 customer service number.

you can finally email them, once you log through about 10 pages of "help." after answer question after question, you finally get to a page that says, "i am still having a problem - contact customer service." considering the money they are making off of seller's - it should be a lot easier/quicker.

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Well said, Bob and thanks for letting us know.

These big companies are awful as far as their unwillingness to receive calls. They purposely place barriers out to sequester the less determined and hardy callers. The big companies just don't want to put customer service people on the payroll. It's sickening.

BTW, isn't half closing down at the end of the year??

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