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Jimmy Rushing - The Scene: Live in New York


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1 Deed I Do

2 Gee Baby Ain't I Good to You?

3 I Can't Believe That You're in Love with Me

4 I Want a Little Girl

5 The Red Door [instrumental]

6 Goin' to Chicago Basie, Rushing

7 I Cried for You Arnheim, Freed, Lyman

8 Everyday I Have the Blues Chatman

9 It's Noteworthy [instrumental]

10 Good Morning Blues

Color me interested!

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I don't have my LPs in front of me, but this looks a lot like one of two I have. One was on Montage, but there was also a bootleg of some sort, with a mimeographed cover. The sound on the latter was pretty hollow, but still a fun listen.

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I just don't think the repertoire brings out the Rushingness of Rushing, not a whole albums worth. That and it sounds like it was recorded in a padded room with no air.

As far as best-ever, you gotta go a long way to beat Rushing Lullabies, imo.

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The You and Me that Used to Be is the Victor date produced by Don Schlitten, and though Jim and I never disagree (???????) I think it is the best thing Rushing ever recorded - includes Ray Nance!

I'm with Allen on this one. I just love this album--not that I don't love all the others too. I never miss a chance to pick up something recorded by Mr. Five by Five. (What a *great* singer he was!) Zoot does some nice work on this one as well.

greg mo

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This appears to be the same material as the Montage LP, except there are one or two tracks by Richie Kamuca on the Montage. Haven't played it in a long while but, as I remember, the Montage stuff was good - not great - Rushing. I'll have to listen again and report back.

Thanks. I feel a little better about my fading memory (re: Kamuca)

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This appears to be the same material as the Montage LP, except there are one or two tracks by Richie Kamuca on the Montage. Haven't played it in a long while but, as I remember, the Montage stuff was good - not great - Rushing. I'll have to listen again and report back.

Thanks. I feel a little better about my fading memory (re: Kamuca)

My memory faded too. For some reason I remembered a Richie Kamuca track or two on this, but the final two tracks are Ellington piano solos. (I think that Montage was a Boris Rose label & he just filled out the LP with a couple of extra Ellington tracks he had laying around.) Richie Kamuca was evidently sitting in with Al & Zoot, tho the notes make little mention of anything about the music on the LP. Thought I detected him on "I Can't Believe...", but I'll have to listen more. Perhaps the notes on the High Note will clear some of this up, including the date of recording - the Montage notes do say mid sixties.

Anyway, some very good Rushing - he sounded better to me the more I listened - and the band's blowing makes a very nice addition to the vocals.

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I guess everyone's heard the recording with Brubeck/Paul Desmond. Can't remember the name, and it's morphing in my decaying memory into The Jazz Ambassadors with Pops, Carmen McCrae, and Brubeck, who also wrote the music. I know it's a whole different animal, so someone please straighten me out. I was amazed when I first heard about this, couldn't imagine it, those guys together, how it would work and lay. It's terrific, though, as I remember. They all sound great together.

Edited by fasstrack
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The You and Me that Used to Be is the Victor date produced by Don Schlitten, and though Jim and I never disagree (???????) I think it is the best thing Rushing ever recorded - includes Ray Nance!

I think that Rushing was losing something in his voice by the time of that album, but that it has a unique charm. "All God's Children Got Rhythm" is a particularly rousing track, sung in a way that no one else could hope to duplicate, in my opinion.

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