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O.K. i'm about to share the good news with you all! You see, i had a few cd's that skipped and/or got hung up in an endless repeat in my cd player. i did'nt want to re-buy them so i thought i would take a chance on a "cd-fix-it" kit.

well it worked. i tried it on 3 cd's and all played perfectly! :excited:

oh, btw, i don't own the company or have any interest in it, or have a cousin's brother's aunt who works there, etc. (legal disclaimer ;) ).

anyway, the way it works is you squeeze a few drops of this guey stuff (they call it a polymer) on to the cd, smooth it around, let it dry and wipe it off (kind of how i waxed my dad's car in the late sixties). then voila! into the cd player and it is like magic!

and here's the best part. it cost 5 bucks!

you get it from cd2000, inc., 1-847-991-5579; email: info@cd2000inc.com

oh happy day!!!! :g:g:g:g:g


Here's my method:

I take a cotton cloth ( old T shirt) and rub a little bit of magic polymer (Crest toothpaste) and then the CD plays fine! It's essentially free since I usually try to keep a little toothpaste around anyway.


Buffing out the scratches with toothpaste will leave the disc surface hazy but scratches are gone and it plays. I think those disc fixers with that green and black thing-a-ma-jig that I've seen in stores leaves the disc hazy as well.


I think those disc fixers with that green and black thing-a-ma-jig that I've seen in stores leaves the disc hazy as well.

I had a cd program (MicroSOFT Automap Streets Plus) I use all the time. The cd became so scuffed the machine would not recognize it. I put it through the Skip Dr (the green and black thing) and though the surface was "hazy" it played like a charm. My computer is much more critical than my cd player.


I'd stay way from the cd cleaning with tooth paste method. It contains abrasives. Especially the baking soda variety.

There are places that will resurface scratched cds for you.

Some used stores do it.

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