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Agustin, I just wrote some crappy review of the Taylor/Redman/Jones. The Jones and Taylor solos are GREAT, their duo is almost great, the trios and the duo of Redman/Jones are good. All in all a pleasant disc, and a rather positive surprise for me!

Go one or two pages up and you'll find some discussion.

The Ornette BNs are both in ma shelf, but haven't been listened to as often as they deserve. There's some nice quote by Dewey, by the way, in the "Momentum Space" liners, about him being on those BN sessions with the saint Coltrane's rhythm men...


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And what about this one?

Cecil Taylor Unit/Roswell Rudd Sextet: Mixed


BTW: sorry if this has been discussed before... I´m still starting to catch up with with this thread!


No Rudd is enough Russ! Grab any you can find (Flexible Flyer on Black Lion with highest priority!). A good one.

The three Taylor tracks originally appeared as half of the Gil Evans album "Into the Hot". They're very good! The first appearance of Lyons with Taylor, and Shepp and Curson there, too. It's also the first date with Sunny Murray (not many to follow), and Murray was the first drummer that really clicked with Taylor (only Andrew Cyrille would fit that well or even better, later).


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No Rudd is enough Russ! Grab any you can find (Flexible Flyer on Black Lion with highest priority!). A good one.

I have "Flexible flyer".

A very good disc, for sure! With the added value of Sheila Jordan´s vocals!!!


Some will disagree with the term "value" in connection with Sheila, but I like her (I only have her BN album, though, but rank that among my favourite vocal albums).


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Some will disagree with the term "value" in connection with Sheila, but I like her (I only have her BN album, though, but rank that among my favourite vocal albums).


"Portrait of Sheila" is one of my favorite vocal jazz albums EVER!

And don´t you dare criticize Sheila! :angry:


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Some will disagree with the term "value" in connection with Sheila, but I like her (I only have her BN album, though, but rank that among my favourite vocal albums).


"Portrait of Sheila" is one of my favorite vocal jazz albums EVER!

And don´t you dare criticize Sheila! :angry:


I don't, but it seems some think her intonation sucks. NOT ME THOUGH! Don't you mistake me for "some"! Or you will be immediately de-capitated by my royal troops!

ubu :g

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"Portrait of Sheila" is one of my favorite vocal jazz albums EVER!

And don´t you dare criticize Sheila!

I don't, but it seems some think her intonation sucks. NOT ME THOUGH! Don't you mistake me for "some"! Or you will be immediately de-capitated by my royal troops!

ubu :g

I am deifinitely this very some. Sheila Jordan ruins this Rudd disc for me (and I am not a vocal-hater in general, as other some here). I will listen to it again (I bumped upon this CD recently, so why not listen to it - who knows when I find it next time?).

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There's also one up on half.com.

Half.com doesn't ship outside North America.

ah, should have checked that Mr. Swinger is from Finland....

in that case: try amazon.de, there's two copies up in zShop; I believe shipping to Finland is 5 EUR. You may want to contact the seller.

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Tony, you also have We Did It set, as far as I remember? What's your opinion?

I feel it has some weak moments (the "rock" medley, and I think TOnoni's drums are a bit too prominent (well, he is a leader), but there are a lot of moments of total brilliance.

I agree. I find though that for me, We Did It... is most effective while I'm in my car listening and driving as opposed to sitting studiously in front of my sound system. That in itself probably isn't a complement but there you are... It's a bit like Bitches Brew in that way. Maybe if I were the type to get off my arse and dance? As I'm not, hurtling down the highway is my feeble substitute.

That is a reasonable description. I don't mind having all three discs but Tononi could probably have cut it back to two discs and had a stronger release.

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Riding the eai wave, listened to nperign / Günter Müller release "More Gloom, More Light" (on Rossbin Records). Good stuff.

nperign is Greg kelley on trumpet and Bhob Riney on saxophones; Müller handles percussion and electronics. nperign guys mostly create breathing/clicking sounds of various level of unglyness, and Müller mostly plays with drone sounds. Might sound like something not particularly exciting, but you do get drawn in since it all has amazing focus -everything is where itis supposed to be when it is supposed to be, and in the light of my recent interest in pure sound, I find the whole listening very rewarding.


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Pure sound? What it be?

Just sound, you know. Just any sound in itself in the right time, even without any specific context can be beautiful.

At least that's the way I am interested in seeing it now.

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Pure sound? What it be?


Funny thing, but I find myself spending more and more time listening to "natural environment" sounds. At this very moment they include very nice bird singing (several different birds), children playing in the yard, occasional passing car or train far at the background, very slight (but constant) buzz of a fan somewhere and flying airplanes once in a while. Not something particularly original for sure, but somehow last couple of weeks I tend to find it all fascinating enough to listen to attentively for quite long periods of time. Moroever, yestrerday it reached a certain extreme: I was listening to all these natural environment sounds and then decided to put Mingus' "Black Saint.."... started listening and in 10 minutes realized the music is somehow redundant (Mingus!!! "Black Saint..."!!!), turned it off and went back to listening (with great interest) to natural environment sounds.

If it progresses like this, I might have all my CD collection for sales soon, he-he...

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Pure sound? What it be?


Funny thing, but I find myself spending more and more time listening to "natural environment" sounds. At this very moment they include very nice bird singing (several different birds), children playing in the yard, occasional passing car or train far at the background, very slight (but constant) buzz of a fan somewhere and flying airplanes once in a while. Not something particularly original for sure, but somehow last couple of weeks I tend to find it all fascinating enough to listen to attentively for quite long periods of time. Moroever, yestrerday it reached a certain extreme: I was listening to all these natural environment sounds and then decided to put Mingus' "Black Saint.."... started listening and in 10 minutes realized the music is somehow redundant (Mingus!!! "Black Saint..."!!!), turned it off and went back to listening (with great interest) to natural environment sounds.

If it progresses like this, I might have all my CD collection for sales soon, he-he...

Not that I laugh at that. No! I know this does happen from time to time.


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I used to play the final track of Frank Zappa's Civilization Phase III a lot. It's just the sound of someone firing a gun in the distance, some rain, a car, and a bird, a simplistic sparrow a that. I used to not notice when it ended and listened to the world instead, fabulous really. You can hear pretty cool things there once you train your ears a bit.

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I used to not notice when it ended and listened to the world instead, fabulous really. You can hear pretty cool things there once you train your ears a bit.

This happens to me quite a bit when I play AMM or quieter eai albums. As the music fades out the ambient noises around me "fade in" and I don't notice the transition.

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