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Do you mean to watch or to play?

Yeah, good point.

So watching, tennis, because I like the fact that its one player versus another and the level of play is incredible.

Playing, golf. I love being in the outdoors with friends and having a good time. I'm nowhere near the best at this game, but it gives me a good chance to bond with my friends and have fun too.

Posted (edited)

Watching: ice hockey. It's the main team sport I played, and I was better at it than the others. I don't play any more, though.

Caveat: I don't watch TV at home any more, so I can't claim to watch many sports, but follow via Internet, newspapers.

Participating: cycling. As an old fart with injuries, it's the least painful, and I can see a lot of the outdoors. I follow pro cycling pretty closely on the Internet. I participated seriously in distance running for a long time, but the knees got too sore and the times too slow.

Edited by T.D.

Which is your favorite sport and why?

1. Tennis

2. Football

3. Basketball

4. Baseball

5. Volleyball

6. Cricket

7. Others

Post your reply with relavant reason here

Are you writing a paper for school?


Are you writing a paper for school?

:lol: Wouldn't be our first time as a research project, would it?

I asked the watch or participate question because my favorite to watch is hockey, but I've never even laced up skates. My favorite to participate is weight lifting, if that counts as a sport. Something about all the numbers (reps and weights) appeals to my inner nerd.


I asked the watch or participate question because my favorite to watch is hockey, but I've never even laced up skates.

That's interesting. Hockey's kind of a niche/cult sport in the US, and many non-fans who never played complain that they have trouble following the puck; it's a common theme in newspaper columns by writers who don't like the sport. (I'm a fan, as stated above, but have played a lot.)


I asked the watch or participate question because my favorite to watch is hockey, but I've never even laced up skates.

That's interesting. Hockey's kind of a niche/cult sport in the US, and many non-fans who never played complain that they have trouble following the puck; it's a common theme in newspaper columns by writers who don't like the sport. (I'm a fan, as stated above, but have played a lot.)

I used to love hockey. But for me it has become too watered down; too many franchises, too little talent, too long a season (playoffs in June?!). I think dynasties in general are a good thing for any sport because you can watch the game played at its highest level. And every now an then you'd get "upsets" (remember those? The Miracle on Ice?). Now, when every team basically has the same talent level (give or take a superstar), the whole thing becomes a series of somewhat predictable maneuvers. Nothing spectacular. Nothing compelling. Just a long-ass season. The endless series of overtimes and shootouts, or 3-2, 4-3 games bears this out. Wake me up in May and let me know who's favored. ... IMO.


I used to love hockey. But for me it has become too watered down; too many franchises, too little talent, too long a season (playoffs in June?!). I think dynasties in general are a good thing for any sport because you can watch the game played at its highest level. And every now an then you'd get "upsets" (remember those? The Miracle on Ice?). Now, when every team basically has the same talent level (give or take a superstar), the whole thing becomes a series of somewhat predictable maneuvers. Nothing spectacular. Nothing compelling. Just a long-ass season. The endless series of overtimes and shootouts, or 3-2, 4-3 games bears this out. Wake me up in May and let me know who's favored. ... IMO.

I hear you, though the general "watered-down" assessment pretty much applies to all the "major" US pro sports.

Frankly, my interest in hockey was practically killed by the long strike/"work stoppage"/whatever. The NHL didn't play for a year and a half, and I found I could get by perfectly well without it. :P Still, if I had TV (cable'd be necessary), I'd probably watch a fair number of playoff games (ten or fifteen years ago, I'd have gotten cable just to watch the NHL).


Well, as Churchill used to say... :)

Seriously: I cycled on "professional" level when a kid, but stopped with 16 because it just got too much, too time-consuming. That was before all hell broke lose (rightly so, alas)...

A couple of years ago I started running a bit in the drier seasons, but just to be in motion a little bit, now and then, and for my general well-feeling. No ambitions whatsoever...

And to finally answer the question: how 'bout intercourse? :w


Baseball-all the usual reasons, the game within a game, the way a season unfolds, the fact that there isn't a stopwatch regulating play, the surprising performances by athletes on their way up- and down, the stats, the inevitable comparisons between current and past players, the fact that its played in mostly warm weather, the joy of armchair managing and general managing. IMO there's very little to complain about beyond the inflated salaries in all pro sports.

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