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Posted (edited)

I listed a bunch of out of print Mosaic sets on Ebay. I'll be listing some LPs tonight, too--mostly duplicates and stuff I don't listen to--includes some Liberty BNs. I got an e-mail from the head of my organization on Friday morning announcing a round of layoffs coming our way. I hope I survive, but if I can't hold on to the job, hopefully this will cushion the blow. If you have any questions, please let me know.


***All Items Have Been Sold***

Edited by zanonesdelpueblo

Just a question: what does FA mean in "FA: OOP Mosaic Sets ..."? Is it a typo, and it should be FS, as in For Sale? Or am I going to have to learn even MORE abbreviations? :mellow:

For Auction.


Dang, Jay, sorry to hear that things are shaky. Good luck!

Thanks Clifford. We are already short-handed with two women out on maternity leave, and we are protected by a union contract, so hopefully I'll stay on. We'll see.

Posted (edited)

***See the edits in the first post. I just listed LPs and a Down Beat yearbook***

It's a short auction, so check it out. Hopefully I'll have some dough afterward to place a nice fat order with Mr. Nessa and enough to eat :excited: .

Edited by zanonesdelpueblo
Posted (edited)

bump. 1 day for the Mosaic Sets!

Just updated the topic with price reduction for Organissimites. I can't believe all the BN Liberty LPs are left! In fact, all of these LPs left were probably the best ones offered!

If you want more than 1, let me know, and we can work out a reasonable discount. I can discuss shipping through PM too, depending on where you are.

So the auction is still on for the Mosaic sets, and you can post here and then PM me if interested in anything else.



Edited by zanonesdelpueblo
  • 1 month later...

Dang, Jay, sorry to hear that things are shaky. Good luck!

Thanks Clifford. We are already short-handed with two women out on maternity leave, and we are protected by a union contract, so hopefully I'll stay on. We'll see.

Well, after a long time in purgatory, today was D-Day here at the office, and it is confirmed that I am NOT LAID OFF!! I'm really sad that the sweetest old lady in my dept. is, though. Here's hoping that all Organissimites get through this crisis.



Jay, I'm very happy you have survived the layoffs!

I worked in the Human Resources department when Bush's governor's office appointed someone to head our agency and reduce the staff by nearly forty percent. I processed out literally hundreds of persons I had worked with for years. It was the saddest period of my working life. I in fact had to arrange a transfer to another division and a job I didn't care too much for just to remain employed myself after we had performed all our work in the downsizing. I might be facing this same situation again if I hadn't retired. . . I think Texas state government is going to see more downsizing soon.

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