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The return of fasstrack


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Couldn't resist that self-congragulatory opening :lol::g:party:

The truth is I've hardly checked in here for a while and I will again more frequently. I may even have something intelligent to add (wasn't that slick the way I appeared to hedge in mock-self-deprecation? ;) ?)

My news: (Thank you so much for asking) is that things are looking up. Either that or my recent purchase of a telescope is paying off (rimshot) after some rough years. A few years back I got fed up with life and moved to Holland (no not Holland, Mi. Lazaro, the nation). I had friends there. Let's just say that proved an extremely dumb move, but live and learn.

Came back after less than 2 months, one 'gig' in a smoky Den Hague 'lunchroom' (just an eatery---and, sadly for this non-smoker 'smokery') and virtually no chance of being allowed to emigrate (not with my kind of money---namely little to none). Didn't do much for most of the rest of '07 and a big chunk of '08. Was not in the greatest mood :tdown

But now for the happy ending: I started playing again around early October and soon thereafter began leading gigs for the Jazz Foundation. They send me to schools, nursing homes, and psych wards---which works out perfectly since I'm an old, nutty arrested adolescent :excited: . I also had a song mostly written and had in mind to get a guy named Jimmy Norman (a Coaster for many years and the guy who wrote lyrics to "Time is on My Side" for Irma Thomas in the studio---naturally everyone thinks Mick Jagger wrote it---b/c we Americans are idiots, and I'm being very kind) to collaborate and write some verses to the melody and lyric I had. We wrote it and now we'll see if 'time (and luck) is on our side'.

Also I recently formed a trio with IMO the best jazz cellist I've heard at least with my own ears (probably a good way to hear considering the alternative) and also a hell of a bassist who knows tunes, can solo with musicality and swing. The third (but by no means last) member is Vandelai Periera, IMO a great talent on drums, originally from Brazil but here many years. His ears are unbelievable, and only in part b/c of being blind (that one is no joke). His command of rhythms from his native land to American swing are masterful, as is his creativity and accompaniment skills. I play guitar and will be writing some things, arrangements and tunes already written, but I mostly want to play underappreciated songs by Staryhorn, Waller, so many others. I actually want all three of us to have input but since I got the gigs I guess everyone thinks I'm the 'leader' now.. We did 2 jazz foundation gigs last week, with our friend singer Deanna Kirk rounding out the group---and all feel we made a hell of a start. Just hit and it already sounded good. But we have a ways to go. I also got us a gig at Smalls in late May and I intend to have us cookin' by then.

I saved the best for last: I finally found a way out of the depressing rooming house shithole I've inhabited for well-nigh 2 years: I busted my ass, worked, saved, (and got some help from the JFA) and just singed a lease on a nice one-bedroom WITH PARKING near Hastings, NY. I repeat WITH PARKING. (NYers will undersatand my joy more than anyone, I daresay.

So shortly, after I get settled and aqcuiring a PC, you will be hearing more from me and I look forward to occasionaly checking in with the best jazz forum in my experience.

PS: Er, Joe, send that check fast. Gotta buy furniture and stuff :excited:

Edited by fasstrack
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Congrats, looking forward to hearing more from you...

Thanks. I'm leaving shortly to drive---like only a true lunatic would---all the way out in this weather (snow, rain, schmutz in NY and probably it's worse on LI) to Riverhead, LI (probably 90-100 miles from me, anyway a long-ass drive) to visit Teddy Charles. He has sessions but today the weather sucks so I get Teddy to myself to play a few, listen to his stories about the cats, tell the little I know (boy did I know some jazzers in my day...).

With Mr. Charles' permission I may report some of those stories...................

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Good to see you hear again, Joel. Are you up for a Scully Tour this year? ;)


Jim, the way things are looking this summer I might be the subject of a skull tour....Like those old Westerns where you see cattle carcasses on a bleak horizon (or Mad Magazine parodies of same---much funnier)

Seriously, I was thinking of calling old Tim, since the summer is always troublesome. Everything slows down but, surprhase, surphrase (thank you Gomer...) my goddamn bills. Actually I was turned on to an agent that books Asia, but even if I go that route---hotel gig in Singapore or some such---being tethered to a 4-month contract on a gig I may not enjoy is not the greatest of prospects. At least with Scully I get to see old friends like Lazaro (and make new ones). Yeah, I think I'll call him. I want to bring the group I mentioned with a 4th piece, perhaps a singer we all know and dig.

Thanks, guys, for your warm welcome. And Jim, if I make it and you drive all the f$%^% out to the peninsula to hear us----you're even nuttier than me, and I heartily congratulate you :lol::g:excited::party:

I have to get Tim's info again. The dog ate my old cell phone----or something. :crazy:

Paging Lazaro. PM me, dude. I lost your #, too. So get off your knees thanking the Lord for that and contact me. I also wanna say hi and to tell Mr. Scully his favorite Christ-killing guitarist wants to come back.

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Great news, Joel, congratulations! Give my best to Wendy Oxenhorn.

The pleasure is all mine, Chris. Nice to reconnect in the Age of Obama. Nowhere to go but up, ne c'est pas?

BTW, I doubt I'll kick it around politically here---this is a rare day off. I'll just mention, though, (go ahead, call me a name-dropper if it floats your boat(s) )that one of my oldest NY friends, a one-time NY bassist and now full-time economist named Jared Bernstein, is now Biden's economic advisor---and, I believe, on some other committee---perhaps Itty Bitty Titty :P:g:party:. Jared is a great guy, privately hilarious---off-color hilarious, and with little prompting, but the main point is he's top-notch, and---if heeded---his recommendations will be great medicine.

But then I am prejudiced.

See you 'round 'dis heah campus---Chris and all the rest.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

I just wanted to give an update----and a comment on keeping your faith and focus, and the therapeutic value of music.

I have been open about some real problems I had recently: abject poverty that bottomed out with me spending 10 days in a city homeless shelter over the summer. Well, I'm happy to say I am doing much better. I have a place to stay and a permanent apartment---in a situation where I could live as an artist w/o too much financial pressure may be a reality in the somewhat near future. (I don't depend on anything, though, and have contingency plans).

The main thing is I have some gigs to look forward to (I will list them as they occur). I teach on Saturday, play a Jazz Vespers at a church where the pastor is a jazz saxophonist. The main thing is I decided what I was meant to do is play---and I don't wait for anyone to call me. I take the guitar out everyday, play in the street (which has led to gigs and even a recording) show up where my friends are playing, meet musicians, and basically try to play all the time. I don't have the anxiety and worry I did before about making a high rent, so my playing is more relaxed and so am I.

We have to keep our faith in ourselves through the toughest times. I'm lucky to have great friends, too. Music has been a great tonic in my life, and if I just focus..............

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abject poverty that bottomed out with me spending 10 days in a city homeless shelter over the summer.

Joel, man, I'm sorry to hear/read this--had no idea things had gotten so bad. I'm delighted to hear things are on an upward trajectory.

I don't wait for anyone to call me. I take the guitar out everyday, play in the street (which has led to gigs and even a recording) show up where my friends are playing, meet musicians, and basically try to play all the time.

This is completely cool--please keep us posted on your gigs. It was a treat to hear you and your friends that night at Smalls.

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abject poverty that bottomed out with me spending 10 days in a city homeless shelter over the summer.

Joel, man, I'm sorry to hear/read this--had no idea things had gotten so bad. I'm delighted to hear things are on an upward trajectory.

I don't wait for anyone to call me. I take the guitar out everyday, play in the street (which has led to gigs and even a recording) show up where my friends are playing, meet musicians, and basically try to play all the time.

This is completely cool--please keep us posted on your gigs. It was a treat to hear you and your friends that night at Smalls.

It was great that you came. I think my next spot at Smalls will be as solo guitarist. Meanwhile, I have a quintet gig in Dec. at Fat Cat with some of my favorite musicians and showcasing some writing----and things coming up next year at Cleopartra's Needle, one of my favorite places to play in NY.

It's great to make friends on the web. Bless this site.

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Did you move back to NYC? I thought you went to Fl.


I only went there to stay with my bro after I lost my apartment. I knew that would be a disaster, and was it ever..... The drama was what would happen after I came back. Definite rough patch from early Sept. for a minute. But I rode it out and things are looking up. Edited by fasstrack
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