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One for Aggie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey!! Somehow I missed this during the hub-bub of the NY's holiday (actually I was geo-caching with my kids).

That's great news - I hope their other beers start showing up too.

I may be in Philly next month again, so might have to seek this one out.

Thanks Rolf! :tup

PS - Do you still have the glass I sent you back then?

Edited by Aggie87
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PS - Do you still have the glass I sent you back then?

For sure, Erik!!!! :tup


Prost, you say??? It is indeed true that I'm fleeing the chaos of Inauguration Day and flying to Muenchen this weekend to do a bit of Prosting. If you aren't caught in the iron grip of 24/7 CNN Inaugural coverage, you can take an early train from Wien and meet me at Kloster Andechs in Herrsching for some cold ones and stories about my uncle and the SR-71, Rock-e-feller?? Maybe secret agent 'BeBop' will jet in and regale us with some recent tales of foreign intrigue? :excited::party:


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