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This might be of interest to our german (and swiss - hell, I love talking to myself...) friends:

Donnerstag, 6. November 2003 um 19.05 Uhr

SWR2 Abendkonzert

SWR Jazz Session: Aus dem Archiv

Charlie Mingus, Eric Dolphy und Jaki Byard

1964 live in Stuttgart

Von Gudrun Endress

Der Kontrabassist und Komponist Charles Mingus war eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit. In seiner klangfarbenreichen Musik sprach er von Liebe und Schönheit. In krassem Gegensatz dazu stand seine Verbitterung über das Unrecht, das den Schwarzen in den USA tagtäglich zugefügt wird. Bei den turbulenten Auftritten 1964 in Europa spielte Mingus Stücke, die die Rassen Segregation zum Inhalt hatten, etwa sein "Fables of Faubus". Kongeniale Partner von Mingus waren der Pianist Jaki Byard, ein Kaleidoskop der Piano-Spielweisen im Jazz, sowie der Altsaxophonist Eric Dolphy. Seine Saxophonstimme verfügte über einen unnachahmlichen "human cry".

70 min.

This concert is available on some bootleg, but it's certainly nice to hear it again (or, as in my case, hear it for the very first time), in what might be the best possible sound quality. It seems they play LPs in their recently started "Archives"-series, but usually, it's in quite good quality!



This is the Stuttgart concert which was released on the Italian bootleg label Unique Jazz as a double LP. The Mingus band set Europe ablaze during that tour and that concert is one of the best.


Yes, I do have several recordings of this tour (the two Enjas, the 3LP thing from Amsterdam, a very cheap CD from Oslo, the Revenge set... and the "Great Concert" has recently been reissued, too).

This is what I found on the Stuttgard concert:

April 28

Liederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany A.T.F.W.Y.O.U.U.S.A.* 3:45/4:15 a,c

Fables Of Faubus 40:07 a,c

Sophisticated Lady 3:55/4:01 a,c

Peggy's Blue Skylight 19:04 b

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 16:00 b

So Long Eric 29:16 b

Meditations 28:12 b

These Foolish Things 3:00 b


Notes: *) Jaki Byard piano solo

a) Unique Jazz UJ009 (LP)

B) Unique Jazz UJ007/008 (2LP)

c) Unique Jazz RKO1038 (CD)

Source: http://webusers.siba.fi/~eonttone/mingus/1964.html

So the upcoming broadcast will contain maximum half of what was recorded that night... And poor king ubu will have to hunt down those LPs nevertheless...



This might be of interest to our german (and swiss - hell, I love talking to myself...) friends:

This is one of the two regional german stations which can be received here in Luxembourg, with a normal radio antenna (I don't have a sattelite receiver). Thanks for the tip. :)


Claude, SWR2 usually has bi-weekly jazz live broadcasts on thursdays.

Usually they broadcast stuff they recorded themselves (the so-called "SWR Jazz Sessions"), but now they have started a series called something like "From the SWR (actually SWF and SDR) Archives". The first in the series was an hommage to Albert Mangelsdorff, then came a Brubeck quartet date from the eighties (with Bill Smith) and now comes Mingus. In between they feature some new stuff. I think you get archivals once a month and new stuff once a month.

Find more here: http://www.swr.de/swr2/sendungen/jazz/index.html



I've bought anything I can find from this 1964 tour. . . I love this music deeply; it really speaks to me and moves me. This show was one of the really good ones!


If Mosaic won't (or can't, due to legal hurdles) do it, SOMEBODY needs to collect all the recordings from this tour "under one roof". That would make a KILLER set.

I'm with Lon, I consider this stuff essential. In many ways, this was the most "fully realized" Mingus music, at least for me.


If Mosaic won't (or can't, due to legal hurdles) do it, SOMEBODY needs to collect all the recordings from this tour "under one roof". That would make a KILLER set.

I'm with Lon, I consider this stuff essential. In many ways, this was the most "fully realized" Mingus music, at least for me.

I thought Mrs. Mingus was planning to be that someone.

The sound on the RKO CD (which is widely available in the US) is generally poor, although I didn't have any other version to compare. Music is a killer, as others seem to agree.

Didn't know "The Great Concert" was reissued again ... I guess it comes just in time to replace increasingly-difficult-to-find "Revenge."


I think "lost her mind" might be more to the point. ;)

Yeah! And besides I might add that her liner notes to the Revenge set really deserve an award!

A box of all that material would sure be great. But this would be some 15 or 20 discs, I think!


Posted (edited)

You're right, Jim! I'd buy such a box myself, too! Hell, that would be a GREAT one!

Here is the information on the Mingus Europe tour of 1964 (the links don't function here, click the source for that):

(source: http://webusers.siba.fi/~eonttone/mingus/1964.html)

B) actually means b )

In April 1964 Mingus went to Europe with one of his greatest bands featuring Eric Dolphy on alto sax, bass clarinet and flute, Johnny Coles on trumpet, Clifford Jordan on tenor sax, Jaki Byard on piano and Dannie Richmond on drums. Part of the repertoire was first "rehearsed" in front of the Town Hall audience in New York before the band left the United States to play their first concert in Amsterdam's Concertgebouw. After a week of touring the sextet was suddenly reduced to quintet when Coles collapsed on stage during the performance of 'So Long Eric' on April 17 in Paris.

This part of the discography is primarily based on Arjan Koning's original version and Lindenmaier/Salewski's Mingus discography (1983) with all corrections given in JazzRealities magazines 1-10 till summer 1989 (information provided by Gerd Fink, thanks!) This has been complemented and corrected by the information received from the contributors to this discography. I'm going to check the concerts I've on CD very carefully for edits and correct timings. The timings represent the length of the actual performance without applauses, introductions or other speeches - from the very first note to the very last decay of an instrument. The second length is the timing given by the CD player. I haven't used liner notes timings at all, because they're usually unreliable.

You might also want to visit the following pages:

Late Dolphy part of Alan Saul's Eric Dolphy Discography

Advanced Recordings, Mingus Tour from Albrecht Heeffer's Eric Dolphy Material (e.g. cover pictures, Belgian mirror of Alan Saul's Dolphy discography)

The Charles Mingus Tour of April 1964 by Arjan Koning

Due to varying naming practices for certain compositions ('Meditations' and 'Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress', for example), I've basically sticked to the most common and shortest names for clarity. Here are some of the alternate titles and variations you may encounter:

Goodbye Pork Pie Hat

So Long Eric is sometimes mistitled as 'Goodbye Pork Pie Hat', as in case of "The Great Concert, Paris 1964" on Musidisc and "Paris 1964, Vol 2" on Le Jazz


Meditations For A Pair Of Wire Cutters

Meditations On Integration

Meditations For Intergration

Praying With Eric

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress, Then Blue

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress, Then Blue Silk

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress, Then Silk Blue



Dedicated To A Genius


April 4

Town Hall, NYC, USA Praying With Eric 17:48 a

So Long Eric 27:31 a

Sophisticated Lady  unissued

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress  unissued

A.T.F.W.Y.O.U.U.S.A.  unissued


a) Jazz Workshop OJCCD-042-2

April 10

Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Parkeriana (Ow) 20:42 a,c

So Long Eric 21:42 a,c

AT FW USA 4:00 a,c,d

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 13:47 a,c

Meditations 22:50 b,c

Fables Of Faubus 30:45 b,d

Sophisticated Lady 5:25 b,d


a) Ulysse AROC CD 1001

B) Ulysse AROC CD 1002

c) Ulysse AROC LP 50506/507 (2LP)

d) Ulysse AROC LP 50608 (LP)

April 11

Hilversum, The Netherlands no further details

April 12

Oslo, Norway So Long Eric 22:20 a,b

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 14:10/14:17 a,b,c

Parkeriana (false depart) 2:35 a,b

Take The "A" Train 12:46 a*,b

Meditations 19:18/19:25 d

Parkeriana 18:28/18:38 d

Fables Of Faubus 27:37/27:43 c


Notes: *) a faded-out version of 'Take The "A" Train' (9:42)

a) JazzUp JU-307

B) VIDJAZZ 15 (video) or KJazz KJ 127 (video)

c) Landscape LS2-913

d) Landscape LS2-919

April 13

(first concert)


Sweden Peggy's Blue Skylight 10:44/11:06 a,b

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling 11:00/11:35? a

Fables Of Faubus 17:09/17:40 a,b,c(?)

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress* 12:42/12:59 a,b

How sizes China from Mississippi  

So Long Eric  


Notes: *) Lindenmaier/Salewski's length is 16:30, but assuming that the Bandstand is from Stockholm, the correct timings are listed above

a) Royal Jazz RJD 518

B) Bandstand BDCD 1524

c) Frequenz 044-011

April 13

(second concert)


Sweden So Long Eric (take 1) 2:38 a

Meditations (false depart) 2:06* a

Meditations 16:40 a

So Long Eric 7:20/6:54? a, b(?)


Notes: *) 0:33 according to Lindenmaier/Salewski

a) Royal Jazz RJD 518

B) Frequenz 044-011

April 14

Old Fellow Palaet's Store Sal, Copenhagen, Denmark So Long Eric 28:15 

A.T.F.W.Y.O.U.U.S.A.* 4:00/4:13 b

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 14:13/14:18 b

Fables Of Faubus 33:34/34:11 a,b

Parkeriana 24:48 

Meditations 22:19/22:29 a,b,c


Notes: *) Byard only

a) Moon MCD 016-2

B) Landscape LS2-905

c) Bandstand BDCD 1524

April 16

Bremen, Germany AT FW USA* 4:24 a,d

Sophisticated Lady 3:45 a,d,e(?)

Meditations 24:45 c

Fables Of Faubus 33:00 b

Parkeriana 21:15 c

So Long Eric 25:00 a


Notes: *) Byard only

a) Ingo ten (LP)

B) Ingo thirteen (LP)

c) Ingo fifteen (LP)

d) Unique Jazz UJ23 (LP)

e) Frequenz 044-011

April 17

Salle Wagram, Paris, France Sophisticated Lady 3:20 f

So Long Eric* 28:23/28:51 b,d,e

Meditations 22:30 a,c,e

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 11:35 a,e

Fables Of Faubus 24:53 a,c,e

Parkeriana 24:04/24:12 b,d,e

Peggy's Blue Skylight 12:50 a,c,e



'Fables Of Faubus' is edited from the full length of 35:00 (according to Lindenmaier/Salewski)

The timings for 'So Long Eric' and 'Parkeriana' come from d (they're wrong in liner notes)

*) During this performance of 'So Long Eric', Johnny Coles collapsed due to a perforated gastric ulcer; he was hospitalized at the American Clinic at Neuilly, France, for the remainder of the Charles Mingus European Tour 1964,

Musidisc 500072 MU 763 and America AM 003-004-005 (3LP) contain an edited version of 'So Long Eric' (see April 19 for more information),

'So Long Eric' is mistitled 'Goodbye Pork Pie Hat' on d and e

a) Le Jazz CD 19

B) Le Jazz CD 38

c) France's Concert FCD 102

d) France's Concert FCD 110

e) Revenge 32002

f) France's Concert FC 102 (LP)

April 19

Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris, France Sophisticated Lady 5:52/6:12 a,b

Fables Of Faubus 27:30/27:47 a,b

Parkeriana 23:25/23:35 a,b

Meditations 21:47/23:04 a,b*

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 14:05/16:00 a

So Long Eric (edited) 5:40 b

I Can't Get Started  unissued


The concert started 0.10 a.m. and ended 2.45 a.m. (according to Musidisc liner notes) - therefore this is under April 19, not April 18

*) 'Meditations' lasts 27:30 on America 3LP-set

'So Long Eric' (23:21/27:10) on Musidisc (mistitled 'Goodbye Pork Pie Hat'), which features Coles, is actually an edited version from Salle Wagram and it fades in the end of Dolphy's alto sax solo before Richmond's drum solo. Therefore 'Introduction et Presentation' (1:33) is probably also from Salle Wagram, especially when Mingus mentions Coles during the introduction of the band

'Sophisticated Lady' is a duet featuring Byard and Mingus

Was 'I Can't Get Started' played at all? Although Mingus mentions it before he starts 'Sophisticated Lady', he probably chose to play 'Sophisticated Lady' instead of 'I Can't Get Started'. Just a guess.

Johnny Coles did not play in this concert, although some of the liner notes claim otherwise

a) Musidisc 500072 MU 763

B) America AM 003-004-005 (3LP)

April 19

Palais de Congres, Liege, Belgium So Long Eric 5:45 a

Peggy's Blue Skylight 6:59 a

Meditations 24:27 a


a) RTB(B)-radio/tv-recording

April 20

Marseille, France So Long Eric  a

Parkeriana  a

Meditations  a


a) ORTF(F)-tv-broadcast

April 21

Lyon, France no further details

April 22

Limmathaus, Zurich, Switzerland no further details

April 23

Biel-Bienne, Switzerland AT FW USA  

So Long Eric  

Fables Of Faubus  


April 24

Bologna, Italy no further details

April 25

Milano, Italy no further details

April 26

Town Hall, Wuppertal, Germany AT FW USA 5:09 b

Fables Of Faubus 36:12/37:36 a

Starting 4:55/5:27 a

Peggy's Blue Skylight 11:32 b

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 17:00 b

Sophisticated Lady 3:44 b

So Long Eric 22:51 b

Meditations 21:36/22:24 a


Note: 'Starting' (aka 'I Can't Get Started') is a duet featuring Mingus and Dolphy

a) Enja CD-3049-45

B) Enja R2 79612 or Enja CD 3077-38

April 27

Frankfurt, Germany no further details

April 28

Liederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany A.T.F.W.Y.O.U.U.S.A.* 3:45/4:15 a,c

Fables Of Faubus 40:07 a,c

Sophisticated Lady 3:55/4:01 a,c

Peggy's Blue Skylight 19:04 b

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 16:00 b

So Long Eric 29:16 b

Meditations 28:12 b

These Foolish Things 3:00 b


Notes: *) Jaki Byard piano solo

a) Unique Jazz UJ009 (LP)

B) Unique Jazz UJ007/008 (2LP)

c) Unique Jazz RKO1038 (CD)

April 29

Hamburg, Germany no further details


Bandstand BDCD 1524 Meditations On Integration

Enja CD 3049-45

Enja R2 79612 Mingus In Europe, Volume One

Mingus In Europe, Vol. 2

France's Concert FCD 102

France's Concert FCD 110 Meditation

Vol. 2: Live In Paris, 1964

Frequenz 044-011 Charles Mingus

Ingo ten

Ingo thirteen

Ingo fifteen "Hope so Eric" Vol. 1

"Fables of Faubus" Vol. 2

"Parkeriana" Vol. 3

JazzUp JU-307 Live in Oslo 1964 featuring Eric Dolphy

Jazz Time 64036-2 Goodbye Pork Pie Hat

Jazz Workshop OJCCD-042-2 Town Hall Concert

KJazz KJ 127 Charles Mingus Sextet (video)

Landscape LS2-905

Landscape LS2-913

Landscape LS2-919 Live In Copenhagen 1964

Live In Oslo - Vol. 1

Live In Oslo - Vol. 2

Le Jazz CD 19

Le Jazz CD 38 Paris 1964

Paris 1964, Vol 2

Moon MCD 016-2 Astral Weeks

Musidisc 500072 MU 763 The Great Concert, Paris 1964

Revenge 32002 Revenge!

Royal Jazz RJD 518 Live In Stockholm 1964

Ulysse AROC CD 1001

Ulysse AROC CD 1002 Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Vol. 1

Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Vol. 2

Unique Jazz 007-009

Unique Jazz UJ23

Unique Jazz RKO1038 Mingus In Stuttgart

Mingus Sextet Live In Europe

Live in Stuttgart! 1946


Edited by king ubu

I suppose it goes without saying that the 1964 Oslo, Norway set realsed on video by Rhapsody is essential if for no other reason than to see Charles take Eric's mic away in mid-solo. Great set. We're lucky this was captured on film!

Posted (edited)

I'll have my tape recorder running, thankx a lot, ubu!!! :D

Didn't work out, damn, somehow my tuner had deleted all pre-programmed radio frequencies. :angry:

Edited by mikeweil
Posted (edited)

Now recording ....

I haven't heard the bootleg version, but this SWR tape sounds rather good. Mono, very clear, a bit thin and lacking dynamics. Typical vintage german radio sound :)

Edited by Claude
Posted (edited)

They played "Meditiations" (30 min) and "Fables Of Faubus" (faded out after 33:30).

Could this be from these CDs/2LP set:

a) Enja CD-3049-45

b) Enja R2 79612 (2LP)

c) Enja CD 3077-38

April 27

Frankfurt, Germany no further details

April 28

Liederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany A.T.F.W.Y.O.U.U.S.A.* 3:45/4:15 a,c

Fables Of Faubus 40:07 a,c

Sophisticated Lady 3:55/4:01 a,c

Peggy's Blue Skylight 19:04 b

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 16:00 b

So Long Eric 29:16 b

Meditations 28:12 b

These Foolish Things 3:00 b

Edited by Claude

Claude, these are the two Enja discs:

April 26

Town Hall, Wuppertal, Germany AT FW USA 5:09 b

Fables Of Faubus 36:12/37:36 a

Starting 4:55/5:27 a

Peggy's Blue Skylight 11:32 b

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 17:00 b

Sophisticated Lady 3:44 b

So Long Eric 22:51 b

Meditations 21:36/22:24 a


Note: 'Starting' (aka 'I Can't Get Started') is a duet featuring Mingus and Dolphy

a ) Enja CD-3049-45

b ) Enja R2 79612 or Enja CD 3077-38

(the release info is after the date/track listings)

and this is where the broadcast was taken from:

April 28

Liederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany A.T.F.W.Y.O.U.U.S.A.* 3:45/4:15 a,c

Fables Of Faubus 40:07 a,c

Sophisticated Lady 3:55/4:01 a,c

Peggy's Blue Skylight 19:04 b

Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress 16:00 b

So Long Eric 29:16 b

Meditations 28:12 b

These Foolish Things 3:00 b


Notes: *) Jaki Byard piano solo

a ) Unique Jazz UJ009 (LP)

b ) Unique Jazz UJ007/008 (2LP)

c ) Unique Jazz RKO1038 (CD)

So to have that concert complete, one would have to find the three Unique LPs or the double LP plus the CD... which might not be very easy...


  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

There's a new cd coming out on Fruit Tree of the Stuttgart material. I preordered mine from www.spun.com


Edited by jazzbo

There's a new cd coming out on Fruit Tree of the Stuttgart material. I preordered mine from www.secondspin.com

Do you happen to have a direct link? I didn't see it on their site.


In the liner notes to “Thirteen Pictures: The Charles Mingus Anthology” (Rhino Records). Andrew Homzy writes “Among Mingus’ extended works, ‘Meditations on Integration’ ranks with his greatest accomplishments.” At one point he writes, “The penultimate, and perhaps best, ensemble performance of 'Meditations' was that done for a CBC television program in Toronto on Halloween 1964. For this occasion the composer augmented his reed section to include five saxoponists and an oboist. One reason this version sounds so good is that adequate rehearsal time was provided --- if only to allow the camera operators to block out their positions!”

Anyone have a lead on that program? Homzy's source?

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