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A Double Murderer Will Not Walk The Streets Soon

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15+ years and he has to serve at least 6 years before he becomes eligible for parole. No bail while he appeals.

Actually CNN says 9 years before eligibility. (I posted when the judge finished instead of getting the recap, and it was hard to follow what she had said ...)

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I still haven't seen a definitive statement of OJ's minimum assured sentence. A consensus of 9 years had seemingly developed, but I just saw Yahoo! News come out with 15.

I watched the sentencing live, and the judge's delivery was very confusing, making it highly challenging to calculate the minimum. I didn't take notes, and had no clue.

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I still haven't seen a definitive statement of OJ's minimum assured sentence. A consensus of 9 years had seemingly developed, but I just saw Yahoo! News come out with 15.

I watched the sentencing live, and the judge's delivery was very confusing, making it highly challenging to calculate the minimum. I didn't take notes, and had no clue.

It sure as hell wasn't like Law & Order.

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It is confusing. From Yahoo's article:

"Glass, a no-nonsense judge known for tough sentences, imposed such a complex series of consecutive and concurrent sentences that even many lawyers watching the case were confused as to how much time Simpson got."

Because of parole, I suspect he'll be out in 9 years.

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Football players generally have had shorter than average lifespans, I believe. He's 61 now. Nine years takes him to 70. The less-than optimal living conditions in prison will likely have a further negative effect on his lifespan. He very well may spend the rest of his days in prison.

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why u guys hatin' so much on juice: my philo. is that oj gets 100 free arrests, but on his 101st, well the 01 just is a tad too many...article II of the Constitution states: Any individual involved in the production of more than Two (2) "Naked Gun" movies, is excempt for their first a hundred crimes

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