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Unbelievable! Yet, understandable. I don't want to say I told you so... but... well... I told you so. I did. <_<

Here's my text from another post I made on this site: I’ve already heard from one former BNBB poster who claims a moderator at the AAJ deleted his post. Is this because it wasn’t appropriate? What else might be deemed not appropriate? Doesn’t this sound just a little too familiar? Besides, how long can you stomach that single, looooooooong, and unorganized forum?

I suppose the AAJ can speak for itself now (and has!). I really don't blame the active members at the AAJ for feeling the way they do. I'd have felt the same way if they'd invaded the BNBB in the same manner.

However, I don't understand their beef regarding 'all about Blue Note' and/or 'the trite Mosaic hypercompletist banter .' Maybe it's not for me to understand.

Fortunately, we have THIS site. Again, from my previous post: STOP POSTING YOUR CRAP OVER ‘THERE’ AND START POSTING YOUR CRAP OVER ‘HERE.’


I'm not too comfortable myself with the attempt going on at AAJ to recreate the BNBB. BNBB is over, it's time to create something new. I'm really starting to like the idea of this board as a voyage into the unknown. Besides, it's cool to have a low member number. B)


yeah sometimes a small member base can create a more personal community. It's too bad y'all are having problems with your old haunts. I hope these boards turn out, so far you all seem like a cool bunch! I may not know much of the subject matter but I'm already spending lots of time here.


I didn't read the whole thread from AAJ. But it seemed like that was only one guy's opinion. Frankly, he's probably voicing what others are thinking. I'm sure this whole thing has been a shock to their system.

If the tables were turned, I'm sure the some on the old BNBB would have not been so happy to see a huge onslaught of people invading their cyberspace. But they've gone from 0 to 50 in no time. Any board that didn't have seperate forums must really have low traffic. Once you get this many people talking at once, you've GOT to have seperate forums.

That said....I like it here. I've noticed some increase traffic today which is heartwarming. I'm staying here and trying to make a go of it. I think this place will pick up speed as the days pass. Simply because it does function as a free and open forum, functioning with open arms to all. Something like that can't go wrong.... :D


Just a point to consider for what it's worth - the entire AAJ site, including the bulletin board, is a for-profit business. Look beyond the bulletin board and you'll see what I mean. No dis intended, it seems cool enough for what it is, but a business it is nevertheless.

The owners no doubt relish the idea of having new visitors to their site, have bent over backwards to be accomodating, and no doubt hope that the whole (relatively) massive influx of new faces creates more business overall for their operation, but ironically enough, some of the regulars over there might view (or at least fear) the massive BNBB immigration the way the BNBB people viewed Norah Jones - as the beginning of the end for their thing, and a chance to be sold out.

Ya' never know.....


I read that too, but I think he means in the current form. They've had forums for a few years, haven't they?

Being a little older and maybe a bit LESS wiser, I feel a bit self-conscious about being viewed as a means to boost traffic to a commercial website. I don't mean "me", I mean all of us. Yeah, BN probably viewed it's BB community the same way at first, but by the time I got there, there was a real non-business vibe to it, w/Tom craking wise ocassionally and stuff like that. That might happen at AAJ, but once bitten, twice shy, as they say.


I think you may be right - I've got a funny feeling that an AAJ forum was the first place I ever posted, back in 1999.

'there was a real non-business vibe to it, w/Tom craking wise ocassionally and stuff like that'

Funny you should say that - I made more-or-less those two same points when I posted a 'fond farewell' note on the BNBB. (I deleted my 'fond farewell' eventually - it was just to express appreciation of having such a cool place to hang-out - I felt foolish leaving it there once it became apparent there was going to be no attempt at conciliation from 'Blue Note').


It is becoming more "natural" feeling for me to post here for some reason.

I intend to keep an eye on ALL the boards, and post as desired, but honestly, right now, I'm digging the intangible VIBE here. I wouldn't feel right posting about Charles Hodges on the other boards. I would have on BN, but hey...

Remains to be seen how much of an interest in the "freer" forms there will be here, but no big whoop. The days of total boardal monogomy might be forever gone. But this place is really feeling like my #1 stop so far.

And now, since my son is vomiting for the 3rd time in the last hour, I think it's time to leave cyberspace behind for a while...


Jim, hope your son is feeling better.

I looked at other sites, and agree that this is the place to be, the vibe is right, and it was created especially for the situation.

I may not be posting too much, but I'll be here supportin'.

Listenin' to Toshiko play in 1954 . . . and postin' to the new community. Life is good!




I hope your son is doing better, too!

I have a 19 month old who has been sick lately. I didn't realize it would be this tough.

I like this forum too. I'm going to be going back and forth for a while.

FYI - They have created the forums for the AAJ board, but their won't be a forum for politics or religion to be discussed (though, I'm glad about religion not being discussed). I think this might play a part in deciding the destination for many.


Charlie's better, not "well", but better. Thanks for the concern y'all.

Yeah, Jim, your board be pretty. These are not commonly used colors, and I wonder why? They're easy on the eye AND attention getting.

You know when I think the BN board started going downhill was when they changed the color scheme. That old black, grey , and blue was HIP!


It's already a lot easier on my eyes. I never understood why they went to a god damn BLINDING white background. Headaches and eyestrain were the norm for me after that. My eyes thank you B3-er for the sensible return to an easy-going background.


Mr. B3-er, what a great job you have done getting this board up so quickly. I'm impressed. I did register at the aaj site but I'll be honest (I said this on the aaj site also) hadi-blues is the jazz expert and I take care of the sports and the politics. I am so happy to see a political forum. Thank you very much.


I am so happy to see a political forum. Thank you very much

Damn now we're REALLY in trouble ;)

P.D. –I’m crushed. Just because I’m a flag waving, liberal, conservative, socialistic, independent, libertarian, democratic, republican, anarchist doesn’t mean I’ll cause trouble.


My only problem with this board is the fact that B3er lives only a few blocks from me, so if i act up i am probably the only member who will get his ass kicked IN PERSON by the moderator.

So there will be no roller rink organ jokes from me.


I am so happy to see a political forum. Thank you very much

Damn now we're REALLY in trouble ;)

P.D. –I’m crushed. Just because I’m a flag waving, liberal, conservative, socialistic, independent, libertarian, democratic, republican, anarchist doesn’t mean I’ll cause trouble.

These nested quote boxes are just too cool! :)

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