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Trouble logging into AAJ?

ghost of miles

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don't look now guys, but the same thing is about to happen here - apparently the good reviews on the last CD have gone to Alfredson's head and he's thinking of requesting DNA samples before anyone can post on Organissimo. Also, I have a source close to him who indicates that all future new members will have to donate canned foods to him and his family before they can register - also, as a hazing, new people will have to fedex him a hardboiled egg - and, not coincidentally, that's his daughter's favorite snack -

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I haven't even done a drive-by in many months, but they had a repulsive storm trooper from Canada monitoring. He who took himself very seriously and effectively drove away anyone who disagreed with his narrow mindset. Compounding that was Mike's support of his actions. I will never go back as long as such cyber bullies are in charge. It's too bad, because the site could easily have been important.

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