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ghost of miles

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What on earth did you guys have to do to get banned?


I got a cryptic message from Ricci when I was banned years ago and when I asked him to explain, I never heard back from him. Doesn't matter, I lost any interest I may have had in AAJ a long time ago.

Edited by J.A.W.
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I avoid the boards like the plague but have been able to get some things across writing reviews there. And there are some very good people on staff there, believe it or not.

Maybe so, but the board has gone to hell. Little to no moderator intervention for the most part (even when very much needed), then a lowering of the boom on people who disagree with Mike Ricci and/or some of the current denizens of the music theory and musician to musician sections of the board = disaster.

And banning. Lots of banning.

Now there's next to no discussion. It's a shame - but now that some time has elapsed since I was banned, I can see that there's little left to salvage.

Edited by seeline
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Maybe so, but the board has gone to hell. Little to no moderator intervention for the most part (even when very much needed), then a lowering of the boom on people who disagree with Mike Ricci and/or some of the current denizens of the music theory and musician to musician sections of the board = disaster.

The only part of the board I go to and those two forums have been pretty dead for months.

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I'd sooner go back to that "Day in Harlem" board. At least the rules there were silly interesting rather than silly stupid...

Does that board still exist? I couldn't find it. I guess it never survived the departure of all former BNBB members when this board started... ;)

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Guest Bill Barton

I haven't even visited the site for ages. Just out of curiosity I decided to check it out. I ran into similar sign-in problems for the forums so didn't bother going any further. A waste of time. They pretty much bored me to tears the last time I was there. The only really cool posters have long since migrated over here to the Big O.

Clifford has a point in terms of some of the writers. It's too bad that the software that they use seems to mangle everything. A couple of the CD reviews that I tried to read were practically incomprehensible because of all the $^&*(@ gobbledegook.

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Guest Bill Barton

For the reviews (etc.) everything - including line breaks - has to be hand-coded.

It's not for the faint of heart.

Good point. That's one of the reasons I haven't contributed anything for ages either! It hadn't occurred to me that all the miscellaneous characters were probably generated by incomplete or incorrect HTML coding on the part of the contributor. Duh... :crazy:

An interesting sidebar though: recently I made a very good contact who got in touch with me because of my contributor profile.

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I'd sooner go back to that "Day in Harlem" board. At least the rules there were silly interesting rather than silly stupid...

Does that board still exist? I couldn't find it. I guess it never survived the departure of all former BNBB members when this board started... ;)

The Harlem site is still there, but the board was closed a couple of years ago, I think. For the last years there was absolutely no action at all - much like how it was before the closing of the BNBB. I believe everybody came and went within one single week in the spring of 2003... :)

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