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Pooh! Thank Gawd for that (I hope).

I have had some dreadful bleedin' trouble wit hmy computer, particularly with Organissimo (and my mailbox), for some reason that no one can explain. Waiting up to ten minutes fo a page to come to me. Seems to be better now. Cross fingers, I'm back. But there are still problems. I think in the end I'll have to buy a new PC.



Fantastic to have you back MG!!!!! :tup

You do mean to say "then I'll have to buy a Mac," don't you?

Or has this period of involuntary absence not taught you a thing? :)

Get a mac - as a mac user of 10 months, I have more or less abandoned my PC and use my Macbook constantly.


Thanks folks. It was kind of hell. I was on Organissimo, trying to post and waiting and waiting and waiting. And while I was waiting, I fired up Horoshi's site and found an interesting Houston Person CD, opened up Amazon UK and had to do two searches for the CD, but eventually found it after looking at several pages, then fired up a currency converter to see how the prices compared. And all the time, my ISP's connection software was telling me that I had a problem with the connection! So I phoned the ISP and told them and the guy said, "the software's telling you lies, I can see your conenction and it's OK" - what the fuck?! But everything I tried to do on Org was taking forever - and nearly as bad on my mailbox. And he just said there must be something wrong with those sites, which I knew couldn't be true.

I just fucking gave up at that point.

But I managed to identify a virus a few days ago, which had eluded several scans from AVG, Avast and an on-line scan from F-secure. So my warranty company advised me to do a full system restore, which was hell, because my computer is so old that it's restore discs only go up to Service pack 1 and you need Service pack 2 to get updates from Microsoft. So I had to get the computer firm down the road to do another system restore, which they did this morning (yes, Sunday - local guys are definitely good for something). And it looks like the problem, which may have been the virus, has now been cleared up (cross fingers). But I've still got a dodgy CD drive - very fussy about what CDs it reads. And it's the last day of my guarantee today, so I'm going to get them to provide a new CD drive. I guess that'll mean I dont have the computer for a couple of weeks.

Oh well. Glad to be back. I'll have a look at what's going on here, now I've got most of my programs put back.


Posted (edited)

Good to see you back MG. I had a virus problem too recently which got through all my firewalls and checkers - loaded Kaspersky on a free trial and that got rid of it. Damned annoying to say the least. I recommend Kaspersky if you want an effective virus/trojan checker.

Edited by sidewinder

MG, as you think about a new computer, bear in mind that you can install Windows on any new Mac. The only reason you might wish to do that is to run some of the applications you already have invested in—other than that, I am hard put to fathom why anyone would want that operating system installed. :)


MG, as you think about a new computer, bear in mind that you can install Windows on any new Mac. The only reason you might wish to do that is to run some of the applications you already have invested in—other than that, I am hard put to fathom why anyone would want that operating system installed. :)

Ah, well, that's a good thought. I do have databases in Access for which I need Windows and Microsoft Office. But I guess they could be run on a MAC. I've been told that if I get a machine running Vista - like my wife's new one - I'll have to buy a new version of Office because my current one won't run on it. A zillion curses on Microsoft!!!!!

But I've also got to think about being able to relate in different ways to my wife's computer. So it's difficult. But I think it's supposed to be (life, that is).



hope the computer is working now,flf;e,fle;jkfjewlkjfkldsjkldsjkldfsjakldsafjkldsajfksdlfjsdkljsdfkldjfdlskaj


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Next time, start your computer in safe mode (press F8 when the Windows load screen comes up and select Safe-Mode from the resulting menu), and then run a scan from there. Many times AVG and other virus softwares cannot find the virus because the virus loads itself when the computer is booted and then makes itself invisible to the software. Booting in safe-mode will only load the bare essentials for the computer to run (not the virus) and if you scan in safe-mode, AVG will find things that it doesn't in normal mode.

Make sense?

Also, you mentioned before that your wife was doing a lot of research. She was probably going to a lot of sites, some of which might be a little suspect. Make sure you keep Windows up to date, as well as your virus software.



Next time, start your computer in safe mode (press F8 when the Windows load screen comes up and select Safe-Mode from the resulting menu), and then run a scan from there. Many times AVG and other virus softwares cannot find the virus because the virus loads itself when the computer is booted and then makes itself invisible to the software. Booting in safe-mode will only load the bare essentials for the computer to run (not the virus) and if you scan in safe-mode, AVG will find things that it doesn't in normal mode.

Make sense?

Thanks Jim - makes good sense. Even I can understand it :bwallace:



MG, far be it from me to recommend a Mac; I've always thought Mac users would one day be found dead in the sun from poisoned kool-aid. But if I had to get a new computer before Vista goes away, I'd have to considera Mac myself...

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