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Posted (edited)

I don't want this thread to turn into an AAJ bash-fest (and it shouldn't), but I'll take a stab at this one...

To start with, where are frequently more jazz-related topics here that play into my favorite jazz interests – be that Blue Note (especially the recent round of Conns, and RVG's), or similar labels, or jazz of the 60's in general (which this board has a greater frequency of discussion about, than AAJ).

And in terms of the 60's (and beyond), on this board there is a greater amount of participation in discussions about the musicians that had one foot in the 'hardbop' camp, and one foot in the 'avant-garde' camp -- which I tend to call the 'progressive' camp (for lack of a better term). We can all disagree on the terminology, but regardless - there's way more talk HERE about Miles after 1965, and Larry Young, and John Patton, and (my latest big kick) Andrew Hill!! -- and 70's jazz like Billy Harper, and Woody Shaw -- than I've ever seen on AAJ. Also, most people here know who Jimmy Woods was, or Tyrone Washington, or Grachan Moncur – or any of dozens of other more obscure musicians from the 60's.

And (perhaps more importantly), the discussion on these topics is much more spirited here -- more 'debate'-like, weighing the pros and cons of the importance of player 'XYZ' within an overall movement, or their influence on future generations, etc... And frankly, the people here are just more spirited in their discussions in general (jazz or otherwise), than most people are on AAJ. (Even sometimes those same people, on both boards, are more 'spirited' in their posting here, than they are there).

And, I should also point out, that the spirited discussions here about music rarely get into the kind of "I'm right, and your wrong" banter than we find much more frequently on AAJ. Typically there are more people on AAJ that have an axe to grind about certain jazz styles ('hardbop' and others), who are quick to chime in with their opinions about why much of the music we hold so dear on this board, is complete and utter crap in his and their minds. There aren't lots of people like that on AAJ, but just enough that they can quickly sour many a thread about the kinds of topics I'm most interested in. So, in short, there's much less bickering about 'music' here on this board. (We save all our bickering for the Politics forum!! :g )

I've gotta run, but I'm sure there are other reasons that will occur to me too.

One more. The discussion on AAJ sometimes seems more sophomoric, with more jazz 'newbies'. This isn't a criticism of their board, but it is (I think) an accurate observation.

Now I really do have to run...

Edited by Rooster_Ties
Posted (edited)

I am a member of AAJ but rarely post there. I think Mike Ricci is a swell guy and welcomes everyone.

There's just too many people over there: too big a crowd.

Here we're all a kind of family, and we do fight from time to time, but I think we've all got much respect for each other.

In short, there's a far greater depth to the relationship between members here than at AAJ. With that said, how can you compare? :rhappy:

Edited by connoisseur series500

Well put guys. I like AAJ, but I really like Organissimo. More of a sense of community, I guess. Never mean-spirited, but there is a lot of good natured play back and forth. I think we respect each other and the fact that we are doing this on someone else's nickel helps keep us in line :D



A few quick positive words about AAJ.

I think Bev's right (as he(?) said in another post sometime before) that there is a better representation of European posters (and topics) on AAJ. (Like if I had a question about the UMO Jazz Orchestra, or a bunch of ECM titles -- I'm be more likely to post it on AAJ.)

And, if I were into pre-1950 jazz more (or had a specific question about that era), I'd be more likely to post on AAJ more frequently.

( Also, I get the 'inside jokes' better here too!!! :g )


I find that this place definitely has more sense of community, and while there is an element of the "clubhouse" I think we are actually doing a good job of making newer members feel welcome. For instance, its not like anyone has said to an unknown's request for a blindfold disc copy, sorry, what's the secred handshake?

I just much prefer the vibe in this place than the one at AAJ.


For me, the big reason is time. I just don't have the time to keep tabs on more than one Board (plus the 2 e-mail lists I belong ,too). I checked out AAJ for a while, but haven't posted there for several months. Nothing really wrong with it, but I enjoy this Board, and since I was among the first to join after the BNBB folded, I feel a sense of commitment and attachment to this group. Also, I remember that when people left BNBB we were gladly welcomed here, but at AAJ we had to tip-toe in with cap in hand, almost apologizing for our presence. I remember some grumbling about the old BNBB members invading AAJ and changing the cozy atmospehere and balance of the place. So all in all I feel at home here.


I just don't have the time to keep tabs on more than one Board

Ditto. I only have 1 or 2 days a week when I get time to do a bb and this board with its emphasis on the fifties and sixties period suits me fine.


I find that this place definitely has more sense of community, and while there is an element of the "clubhouse" I think we are actually doing a good job of making newer members feel welcome. For instance, its not like anyone has said to an unknown's request for a blindfold disc copy, sorry, what's the secred handshake?

I just much prefer the vibe in this place than the one at AAJ.

My sentiments as well. I suppose some of the collective goodwill here may come from the BNBB roots of many members, but nothin' wrong with roots, you know. And I think Jim & co. have made all kinds of efforts to make this an open, friendly, welcoming board to anybody who comes here. I certainly hope it continues to sustain itself and grow--not only has it furthered and enhanced my love of jazz, but it's also led to several friendships for which I'm grateful. Internet communities continue to really intrigue me; earlier this week, when Elliott Smith committed suicide, I instantly found several people here who were as saddened by it as I was. And when you go to the Sweet Adeline fansite, my God, it's an ongoing, collective outpouring of grief, eulogising, virtual hugs, etc.; it's clear that that board is helping a lot of people who were profoundly upset by the sudden, unexpected death of an artist they loved. I've been thinking about this ever since an exchange of PMs w/Impossible re: the death of Smith, who was the same age as Charlie Parker (34) when he killed himself. How quickly did news of Parker's death travel in 1955? How did Parker fans cope? Probably a topic for another thread...


Yeah, we've done this before. I really feel it is apples and oranges. Different intents of the bulletin boards by their founders, and both groups have really made the boards they want to have. This one is tops for ME, probably for US, but the other one works for many another. So be it! Just let's keep this place HOPPIN'!


I too post far more here than at AAJ. AAJ is OK, but for me the major difference is that it has a much more "sterile," much more regimented feel to it. Organissimo feels very free, very organic. Threads of all kinds pop up out of nowhere, and have almost always been allowed to go wherever the posters wanted to take them. I like that - it makes me laugh, and I often learn something in the process too. This feels like a home, whereas AAJ often feels like a library or a museum or something like (if that makes sense) to me.


I think I stick to this board more than AAJ or Jazzcorner for several reasons. First, this one feels more like the BNBB where I first got hooked on this jazz board stuff just because it's dominated by exBNBBers. Second, I have a lot of "emotional investment" in this board. I remember posting like mad when the board was first getting going out of fear that someone would show up, see no new posts, and decide the board wasn't going to make it. Third, while the board is now established, the crowd is small enough that I can actually keep up with everything. AAJ is just too big for me to keep up with all the posts, and Jazzcorner probably is as well, although their "world's slowest software" means I wouldn't be able to read everything anyway...

At this point, this is home. I don't see that changing anytime soon, no matter who begs! ;)


...AAJ is just too big for me to keep up with all the posts, and Jazzcorner probably is as well, although their "world's slowest software" means I wouldn't be able to read everything anyway...

Good point about JC's slow software, at home it lags big time.

My PC at work is insanely fast, part of a gigantic server. I never have to wait for search engines there--I just have to wait for the manager to stop hovering like Lomburgh from Office Space.

I like all three, Org, AAJ, & JC, but this place OWNS them. AAJ has been less active since it went down, the other two have just kept right on chuggin'.

Posted (edited)

Why doesn't anybody post on the Blue Note Board anymore?  I've been really lonesome over there for the past 8 months!

I was speaking with ss1 last week. We were discussing the end of the BNBB during its last days. When you couldn't post names such as Sonny S***t or Herbie Han****. However, it was okay to post name variations such as Herbie Hanpenis. Back in the good ol' days. :rolleyes:

Edited by wesbed

I remember being kind of burnt out on the BNBB in the months before it closed down. The Misc. forum had just gotten too ugly for me. I wasn't posting much anymore (I used to post there under the name Blake). But when it went down, I felt so angry, it was like losing your favorite hangout. I think I'm still a little ticked off at BN still because of the way it was handled.

I really think the Organissimo board is like a BNBB that has gone through it's teenage years and has grown into something really nice. I find that I have learned more here than I have in a long time (on ALL subjects :D ) and I just genuinely like the people here.

I remember Wesbed coming over to the AAJ when we had first settled there and extorting us to come here. Well I did, and though AAJ is a great board and Mike Ricci is a great guy, I'm glad I stuck around here. It's kind of like the story of the Three Bears, this bed is "just right". :D


AB...sorry man, it's been bugging the hell out of me...the cowbell quote should be in the present tense...not past tense!

I'll add something to the actual thread some other time. It's just been bugbing me thats all! :)


This thread is kind of like a "Do you like what I'm wearing" question. Yes, of course! ;)

Anyway, that said. Sometimes it's nice to pat yourself on the back every once in a while. I think we all deserve a little pat right about now. I'm really proud of the board everyone's made. A lot of time and effort put in by many folks have made this a fun place to be.

I always enjoy seeing what's going on around here. And I love the vibe of the place.

Great job everyone. (How was all that for a good slap on our own back) B)


I say, what!

If we call Jeeves over do you think he might bring over some of that '37 Chateau Fontainbleu to toast ourselves with?

Can't have too much! Got to put in an hour or so at at the foreign office this afternoon. Then there's Whitham-Smythe's beastly charity dinner tonight at the Dorchester...

One of those smiley things denoting a gentle p**s take.

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