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What to do when the sweet-tooth hits...

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1 c. sugar

1-2 tbsp. cinnamon

Buttered toast

Mix cinnamon and sugar in small container with perforated top. Mixture keeps well indefinitely if wax paper is tied over top. Sprinkle mixture over hot buttered toast. Place under oven broiler. Heat until sugar bubbles and browns.

I think the 1 c. sugar means 1 cup sugar? Seems like a lot. I'd always just mixed the cinnamon, sugar and butter together to make a paste, tasting along the way to make sure it's ok.

Edited by papsrus
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I actually have the same problem right now and am eating a bowl of cereal - Honey Bunches of Oats with Chocolate Clusters (the stuff is terrible and I'm never buying it again, but it's the only sugary thing in the house right now)

Here's my story of why I'm stuck at home with no sugar: I had dinner in the Castro tonight and felt like stopping for dessert at this creperie/cafe I know that's smack in the middle of that neighborhood before heading home. I passed this place on my way home last night and glanced in their window to see how busy they were late on a Saturday night, as they've started staying open later on weekends and appear to be rebranding themselves as more of a wine bar. I'm looking through the window, and there's this guy sitting in one of their cushy chairs...and he appears to be wearing nothing at all. "Heh, just another Saturday night in The Castro," I think...

So I walk in the place tonight and the same dude is in there again, standing at the bar buck-ass naked. There's almost nobody else in the entire place. I turn around defeated and jump on the bus to go home.

Edited by Big Wheel
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I actually have the same problem right now and am eating a bowl of cereal - Honey Bunches of Oats with Chocolate Clusters (the stuff is terrible and I'm never buying it again, but it's the only sugary thing in the house right now)

Here's my story of why I'm stuck at home with no sugar: I had dinner in the Castro tonight and felt like stopping for dessert at this creperie/cafe I know that's smack in the middle of that neighborhood before heading home. I passed this place on my way home last night and glanced in their window to see how busy they were late on a Saturday night, as they've started staying open later on weekends and appear to be rebranding themselves as more of a wine bar. I'm looking through the window, and there's this guy sitting in one of their cushy chairs...and he appears to be wearing nothing at all. "Heh, just another Saturday night in The Castro," I think...

So I walk in the place tonight and the same dude is in there again, standing at the bar buck-ass naked. There's almost nobody else in the entire place. I turn around defeated and jump on the bus to go home.

Oh yeah, the Castro's not exactly the most family-friendly neighborhood in town. :rolleyes:

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I had the sweet tooth thing kick in yesterday and bought a 1 lb halloween bag of Peanut M&Ms. First time in years I've picked any up and they seemed tiny.

Hershey's has started making big Halloween bags that contain EXACTLY the bars that I like in them and nothing else: Heath bar, Almond Joy, Reese's PB Cup, and Kit Kat. It took an enormous amount of willpower to not plunk down $8 for a gigantic bag of the things.

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I was in a Target store today and couldn't believe the amount of Halloween candy in stock. Mountains of it. I had to keep walking.

I'm still a fan of the candy corn & peanut combo. I avoid keeping it in the house, I have no willpower.

They've had Halloween candy at the supermarket I go to since AUGUST!!!

I avoid candy corn like the plague, because I'll sit down and eat half a pound if it's in the house.

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