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So what?

It's only a rant by someone who realizes he is totally out of touch with a subculture that clearly is beond his comprehension. It seems to be dawning on the "author" of that blurb that jumping on every bandwagon labeled "progress" doesn't make you a hip person.

And when his music download data have disappeared into the collective data nirvana of unreadable files the final laugh will be on us and our records and turntables. :D :D


What a terrible article.

I'm an atheist when it comes to vinyl, but the sneering there just undermines the argument (well, assertions) completely.

There's a discussion in the latest 'Gramophone' between two recording engineers (one for the Scottish equipment/recording company, Linn) and a Hi-Fi magazine writer about the 'vinyl revival'. All much more respectful to vinylophiles, even if they don't accept the vinyl is better argument. They comment on how they expected to find vinyl enthusiasts among jazz fans but were surprised to find so many with huge classical collections.

In fact, they end by dismissing the stereotype of the 'die hard LP lover' as the anorak you meet at the hi-fi show with three copies of Dark Side of the Moon in his plastic bag.


"Vinyl is back from the dead - scratchier and crapper than ever, reeking of urine and seething with maggots"

The boy obviously needs a VPI machine. ;)


And the boy saw too much movies in his youth.


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