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I was throwing out some old newspapers the other day, and I noticed that the last tv program I watched was on July 20th! It was an ALMS sports car race at the Mid-Ohio racetrack.

So I went the entire month of August without turning on the tv. Isn't that something? I'm sure that I have never gone a calendar month without watching tv before.

Now to be fair, I get Fox News, CNN and CNN Headline News on Sirius in my car, and I spent plenty of time listening to them. I don't get cable tv. If I got the Speed Channel, there were a number of races I would have watched. And if I had known when the men's beach volleyball gold medal game was to have been aired, I would have watched that.

But still, between my CD collection, the internet and Sirius, I just don't need television any more. The day will come when there is something I want to watch, but I don't have any idea when that will be. Certainly election night. Maybe before! I should check the ALMS website to see if any of their races will be carried by a network. Other than that, I can't think of anything.

Posted (edited)

I stopped watching TV (at home, that is) last January (2008). Have only watched a few DVDs since then. I still watch a bit in public places or while at other peoples' homes.

Big test will be the upcoming football season. But I got through the Olympics fine, so don't expect many problems.

Edited by T.D.

You're typifying a trend to turn away from TV, particularly noticeable in young people, who are finding most of what they want on the internet. My TV watching is down to a half hour newscast per day, just to see the film clips of what I hear about on the radio and read about in my newspaper, though I could see these on the computer, anyway! Apart from this, my only use of television is to record - and later replay - films which catch my fancy - which is hardly making use of the resources of the television industry!


I pretty much watch baseball and that's it. ... Some ESPN news during the day, but zero cable or network news programming.

The occasional DVD, but that's pretty rare, too.

Can't say the TV is never on, but it's rarely on during the day, and at night if it is on, it's baseball, so ...


Big test will be the upcoming football season. But I got through the Olympics fine, so don't expect many problems.

Don't you mean January when the new season of American Idol will start?



It's been about 3 1/2 years since I cancelled cable. I watch The Daily Show online, and DVDs occasionally (though I've yet to replace my stolen player). I never feel that I'm missing out on much. Been cutting back a bit on internet usage lately, though that's rather difficult at work, since it's so accessible.

Should say that during my 20's and early 30's I watched quite a bit of tv, and my late wife had it on more or less constantly. So basically I got my fill.


I haven't watched TV, a video, or a movie (at home or in a theater), since 1978. So no, I haven't even seen the planes crashing into the World Trade Center. I did watch one YouTube, recommended by Jsngry.


I stopped watching TV some time ago. For a long time, the only television I watched at all was "The Simpsons" and "House," but I've stopped watching those shows as well. I watch DVDs, of course, and I occasionally see "SpongeBob" and a few other cartoon shows that my daughter watches, but that's it. I get all my news from the paper and on-line. Last week I watched a few speeches from the Democratic Convention, however...


I haven't watched TV, a video, or a movie (at home or in a theater), since 1978.

We should start a pool to name the last TV show and movie you saw in 1978.

I'll say "Charlie's Angels" (Ooh, the Cheryl Ladd years) for TV show and now that I've looked at Wikipedia's list of films released in 1978, I have to go with "Debbie Does Dallas".

Do I win? :P

The last movie would be pretty easy to guess. (I was living in the United States then, and I think the movie was pretty current, but probably showing as a dollar matinee.) Last TV show? I've no idea.


i watch tv regularly. i also listen to music and npr at home and in the car. i read, i go to the movies and live jazz shows, and i have fun looking stuff up on the internet. i never understood why some individuals take pride in doing without things that other people enjoy. it sounds a bit snobbish, imo. then again, we are jazz snobs, right? :rolleyes:


I recently realized that I do not ned to have TV in every room, so I returned 3 cable boxes. I may turn the last one in, too, because TV the few shows that I find worthwhile are available online. I listen more to radio now (on and off my Mac), especially the BBC.

Of course, that also goes for Y&R, which I can—without blushing—admit to being addicted to for over twenty years.

About 15 years ago, I went cold turkey on The Bold and the Beautiful, but I can't shake this Y&R thing. Victor Newman lives! :)

Posted (edited)

I do watch TV and have thought many times about quitting all together, but haven't gotten that far yet. When looking back at my childhood I have come a long way. Once I could tell you every show and the order which they came on between 3 and 8pm. I swear I did play a lot but when giving the opportunity to watch I would take full advantage of it.

Recently I became a stay-at-home-mom and unlike many women out there I don't watch any TV from morning until maybe 8pm. I indulge in mindless shows like Project Runway typically after the kids are asleep. Obviously I could eliminate this easily...though it is a fun escape. Jim and I do enjoy watching the Pistons together.

Our daughter, Zora, watches movies we check out from the library or those that have appeared in our collection from friends passing them off (Thanks to Greg for about 30 of them). Some shows are on PBS and the Disney Channel that are commercial-free so it seems relatively safe (though Disney is never safe!).

Because I hadn't watched a movie for the most part for about 3.5 years, I finally decided to start getting Netflix, one movie at a time, or getting them from the library. I have decided I actually prefer this much more than TV. We may one day rid of cable all together. We only have one active TV and we don't intend to ever put one in any bedroom. That, I believe, is a bad idea.

Edited by ophelia

i watch tv regularly. i also listen to music and npr at home and in the car. i read, i go to the movies and live jazz shows, and i have fun looking stuff up on the internet. i never understood why some individuals take pride in doing without things that other people enjoy. it sounds a bit snobbish, imo. then again, we are jazz snobs, right? :rolleyes:

Same here, I enjoy it all.

Not watching TV isn't what it used to be.


I'm sure most would agree that excessive tv watching has unhealthy side-effects. Up to you to define "excessive".

Well, the damn stations don't sign off anymore. That changed everything.

I mean, how can they expect us to shut the set off and risk the chance of missing something? ;)


i watch tv regularly. i also listen to music and npr at home and in the car. i read, i go to the movies and live jazz shows, and i have fun looking stuff up on the internet. i never understood why some individuals take pride in doing without things that other people enjoy. it sounds a bit snobbish, imo. then again, we are jazz snobs, right? :rolleyes:


Posted (edited)

I was throwing out some old newspapers the other day, and I noticed that the last tv program I watched was on July 20th! It was an ALMS sports car race at the Mid-Ohio racetrack.

So I went the entire month of August without turning on the tv. Isn't that something? I'm sure that I have never gone a calendar month without watching tv before.

Now to be fair, I get Fox News, CNN and CNN Headline News on Sirius in my car, and I spent plenty of time listening to them. I don't get cable tv. If I got the Speed Channel, there were a number of races I would have watched. And if I had known when the men's beach volleyball gold medal game was to have been aired, I would have watched that.

But still, between my CD collection, the internet and Sirius, I just don't need television any more. The day will come when there is something I want to watch, but I don't have any idea when that will be. Certainly election night. Maybe before! I should check the ALMS website to see if any of their races will be carried by a network. Other than that, I can't think of anything.

You listen to Fox News? Never mind TV, THAT will rot your brain.

Edited by BruceH

i watch tv regularly. i also listen to music and npr at home and in the car. i read, i go to the movies and live jazz shows, and i have fun looking stuff up on the internet. i never understood why some individuals take pride in doing without things that other people enjoy. it sounds a bit snobbish, imo. then again, we are jazz snobs, right? :rolleyes:


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