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New Selects now available for pre order


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I'm more than ecstatic about the Roy set. I'm just "less than enthusiastic" (wink, wink) about Oscar Peterson. But hey, if you put my thing for Roy & my thing about Oscar on a balance scale or whatever it's called, the Roy side would come down so hard and so fast that the Oscar side would go flying out the window totally unnoticed. Which is probably what's going to happen as I listen to the set....

In all fairness to O.P. though, I find that I usually enjoy him best in the company and accompaniment of Granz' stable of mainstream players such as Eldridge, Hawk, and Prez, so I don't think he'll be too much of a drag here at all. Still, a little variety in the piano chair wouldn't have hurt, but I seriously doubt that Granz was thinking 50 years later box-set collation when he booked those dates, so...

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Never mind the Oscar Peterson on organ bit. Roy Eldridge WAILS on those sides with OP. Some of Little Jazz' damn best records.

I really may invest on that Roy Eldridge Mosaic set even if I already have most of the material. Some of the LPs are just about to give up.

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Too much Oscar for me, too, Jim. With all the fine pianists that were around in the 50s, it's a shame that Oscar was on so many Verve sessions to the exclusion of others. How about some Teddy Wilson, for starters? Imagine Teddy and Roy together. Anyway, it is what it is.

By the way, I am pleased to see the release of the Pearson set. But it would be a lot better if they had done it completely right and made it a definitive set, as this will probably be the last release of this music before the tapes decompose. By right, I mean using a good remastering engineer, putting in all the tracks from those sessions, and listing the instruments properly. These drawbacks now remain forever, and with a little more care they could have been avoided. Perhaps those who work on these sets are pushed for time and unable to smooth out the wrinkles. Our world is like that anymore.

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I'm certainly not a Peterson fan BUT the Eldridge dates with OP are my favorite Roy sides of the '50s and beyond, no question. I've had these on 10", 12", Japanese vinyl reissues, etc.

The Amy is worthwhile but Katanga was the best of it.

I had all the Pearson on lp in my vinyl BN completist days and will pass on the Select.

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Somehow, the Pearson set doesn't do anything for me. I have the CD of "I Don't Care Who Knows It" and Christmas music is a real turn-off for me. I like Duke, but I'll hold off on this one.

Everyone is making the Amy sound great. I don't know much about him, but it seems exciting. Who would he be comparable to?

The Eldridge set is very interesting. I have vinyl of the Verve collection that came out in the 70's - "Dale's Wail". So, I'm familiar with OPs organ contribution and the general sound that's here. Don't know if I need a 7-CD set, but it's on my long-term wish list, for sure.

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Not sure if this was posted elsewhere, but the upcoming Curtis Amy and Duke Pearson selects are now set for an END of November release instead of mid November according to an email I received from Mosaic.

updated: I just looked at the Jazzmatazz site and the Selects were on the November 25th list.

We'll have to wait a bit longer....

The GOOD news is there are now soundclips on the site for both selects and the Eldridge.

Edited by mgraham333
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I ordered both of the upcoming Mosaic Selects based on the strength of my past experience with the wonderful music Mosaic puts out and my desire to try out new artists. I was totally unfamiliar with Curtis Amy and had only heard a few things from Duke Pearson. The same was true for most of my other Mosaic Select purchases with which I have been very happy.

I'm listening to the clips on the Mosaic site right now for both of the upcoming selects and can't wait for them to arrive.

I have all of the Selects so far and based on what's come out I would consider signing up for a Mosaic Select subscription if they were ever to offer such a thing.

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***Note Regarding International Distribution.

In collaboration with The Verve Music Group, the Eldridge set is expected to be available at retail stores outside North America shortly after its initial November, 2003 release. These sets are part of the limited edition of 10,000.

With 10,000 editions, I don't expect this to sell out. Should be available for 5 years. B)

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Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pass on these for now. I'd love to get all of them but finances being what they are, I'll have to wait to hopefully get them as gifts. My priorities there are the Amy, the Eldridge and the Pearson. The Eldridge, since will be available for a decent period of time, will have to be put off until next year :( .

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