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Hey look at me, I somehow put a clip up on Youtube!!

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You'll never guess! :rolleyes: Amazed someone else didn't have the clip up already.... Probably computer challenged folks like me have the short as well.... Any guesses as to who the Tenor man or the pianist are(were?)

Oh, I remember asking this a year or so ago when needing help youtubing....no one fessed up at the time....anyone else put any clips on youtube????

Edited by BERIGAN
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Congratulations!! BTW where'd you find it?

Thanks! TCM ran a bunch of old musical shorts last month....I knew about it years ago and have the full clip on VHS....somewheres. This time, the short was cut off right after Bunny's solo, since my DVR was confused about the starting times of these shorts....I remember years ago emailing someone who ran a Berigan site, and he hadn't seen the clip but was pretty sure for Dorsey and Berigan to be in the Rich orch, it must have been 1932, not 1934....

Have added a Larry Clinton clip now as well(Has Carol Bruce, AKA Mama from WKRP as his girl singer)

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I remember years ago emailing someone who ran a Berigan site, and he hadn't seen the clip but was pretty sure for Dorsey and Berigan to be in the Rich orch, it must have been 1932, not 1934....

More likely '29 or '30. No thanks for trying to answer your initial question? :mellow:

I was afraid it might upset you to have me thank you! :rfr

Thank you! :cool:

Don't know the name Fred Cusick , but I know of Arthur Schutt of course.

Funny how little footage is out there of jazzmen of the late 20's/early 30's.....reminds me....I need to find a way to transfer some laserdisc shorts I have of Red Nichols with a very young Pee Wee Russell in his band(Eddie Condon as well) looking like Benny Goodman without glasses! May be on youtube, will have to check.

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