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So.Cal. earthquake....

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Dude, 5.4 doesn't even wake you up if you live in California...

Depends on how close you are, and how close to the surface the epicenter was. I had a three-point-something that was only a few miles away (Daly City) that made me think the house was coming down. But then a 4.2 in the San Jose area went by and I didn't even notice it.

But why does your avatar show Weizen being told that Bush and Cheney have abdicated and Pelosi is now President?

That would be truly the outer limits!

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My first serious earthquake experience was when I was a student at Pisa University. I was studying in the Scuola Normale library, top floor, a thirteen century building, the place where the infamous Count Ugolino was imprisoned with his family.


It was the philosophical section of the library, apparently I was the only one who realized that an earthquake was going on, the other philosophy's students where so absorbed in their Hegel and Plato that didn't note that all the book shelves were vibrating.

I understood that time that I wasn't a real philosopher.

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Pretty good jolt here on the 8th floor - biggest I've felt since Northridge. But as Bond would say: "shaken not stirred." Haven't heard of any serious damage, but those of you who have never experienced an earthquakes before woulda been callin' for momma. ;)

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