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A Trove of Old 78s Heads to Syracuse

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I'd forgotten about that place - I think I went there in the early 1990s; Sevada was such a crank that I never bought anything, and he had a tendency to tell you things were in great shape when they weren't - at one point he sold a whole lot of Jimmy Dorsey 78s to a record company guy who sent them to me to transfer them for a reissue - Sevada had told the record company guy they were in pristine condition but they were a mess; I was able to improve them, but not well enough for a decent reissue - and the guy had spent a fair amount of money on them -

I love the music business -

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hello all,

here´s an interesting article:



keep boppin´


I was kinda hoping some of them were going up for sale. There aren't a lot of 78s on the market anymore. Most of the good ones are in the big collections. I always wonder what's going to happen to Joe Bussard's collection when he passes on. Will it be broken up and sold off? Or will it be donated to a library like this one is? As much as I want this music to be preserved, I'd also rather it be in the hands of people who appreciate it instead of gathering dust in the basement of some archive.

Edited by Alexander
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Memory Lane. Probably of little interest to anyone but me.

Fist visit to NYC. Popped out at Penn Station and headed for the nearest record store. Way up in some building in an alley (well, compared to 34th).

Me, to myself: "Hey, this doesn't look like a record store".

Him: "Help you with something, son?"

(First encounter with a real New Yorker. )

Me: "Well I was looking for (some obscure late-40s West Coast bebop on a local label)"

Him: "Never heard of it. You sure?"

Me: "Uh, yeah, I'm sure."

So he looks it up.

Him: "Well, sure enough, it's out there, but I don't have it. Never seen it."

Me: "I've got a couple others on that label..."

Survived my first encounter. Never went back.

Edited by BeBop
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