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latest review of Jews In Hell

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latest review; aside from questioning my perfect vocal pitch, a rather pleasant piece:

For those unaware of Allen Lowe, it is safe to say that Lowe wears a lot of hats. Known best for his exploits as a musician, writer, composer, and engineer, he is truly someone who marches to his own beat. (In) Jews in Hell, Lowe presents his take on the Jewish experience with a broad musical program of jazz, blues, country, rock and punk. In other words, for those looking for straight-up jazz, this is not your cuppa.

If you are still tuning in, as a musician Lowe made his previous mark as a saxophonist. However, since 2001 Lowe’s experiments center squarely on the guitar. Therefore the main focus here, other than a few tracks, is Lowe’s prickly, off-kilter attack that is definitely more D. Boon (of the rock band The Minuteman) than Jim Hall. There is a great deal of music to digest here (38 tunes over 2 cds), a stylistic potpourri with its common theme focusing on Lowe’s conceptual musings both in terms of lyrics and musical content. Best yet, Lowe’s lengthy libretto provides insight into his thoughts, as well as to serve as an instructive track-by-track overview.

Trumpeter Randy Sandke guests in the bop of “I Licked Bird’s Blood” (yes check the liners for the story) and "I Am The Swan,” with brilliant contrabass clarinet work from Scott Robinson on the former, in the company of Lowe’s alto. Pianist Matthew Shipp and guitarist Marc Riobot also add their singular touch to several pieces. Shipp transverses the lovely vignette “I’m Not Nico” and the rollicking tribute to Jaki Byard, “Jaki’s Boat,” while Ribot’s two appearances, filled with dramatic about faces and stabbing shards, demonstrate rather vividly here where Lowe may have caught the inspiration for his guitar approach.

The majority of the program, however, concentrates on Lowe mostly in the company of a “power trio” of bass and drums, with solo duties given to Lowe’s guitar’s abrupt timbral mutations. Compositionally speaking, the program is infused with Lowe’s incredible knowledge of American music history, a mix of instrumental and those containing his off-center, pitch-challenged vocalizing (which is not meant as a put down, though, as Lowe’s ruminative lyrics, rather than technical prowess, is what matters here).A biting country blues, “Lonesome and Dead,” opens the record, while the gorgeous murder ballad sung by Erin McKeown, “Blood on the Mountain,” offer just two examples of Lowe’s folk leanings. The influence of gospel is also considerable here, with the best representation being “Gwine to Heaven (Gwine to Hebben),” thought the blues are also a vital wellspring, such as on the humorously titled “All the Blues You Could Play By Now If Stanley Crouch Was Your Uncle” or the shuffling “Riot on the Sunset Strip.” But alas, the sarcastic humor of Lowe’s commentary is perhaps the most compelling factor, such as pieces like the punk rock sarcasm of “Suburban Jews,” “Flakowitz I n Love,” a well as the Velvet Underground homage “Where’s Lou Reed?” including a side-splitting satire on the refrain of “Walk on the Wild Side.” Instrumentally the clever madness is also potent on “Jews in Hell,” with its hockey rink organ, or the cowboy funk of ‘G Major Simplex (Cowboy Tryst-ano),” a perfect calling card for Lowe’s wooly guitar stylings.

Lowe’s incredibly varied program is all over the place, and will certainly appeal to those with a wide-open mindset. Some might call it a sloppy, disjointed mess that is rather charming after all; others might call it a compelling portrait, a soundtrack to a non-existent movie; still others might not know what to think. All things being equal, with Jews in Hell Lowe has given the world a document with plenty to chew on. In other words, a record that makes you think.

-Jay Collins, Cadence

Edited by AllenLowe
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Allen, congrats. Is that the latest issue? Equal Time got in a couple of times (CD-Ring). Your plight has given me a great idea for a show theme (which will feature JiH prominently): MAINE'S UNSUNG

Probably get me pulled from the airwaves, but what the hell -- needs to happen.

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thank you Tom - let me know when it airs - and yes, I think it is the latest issue, but I have not seen it yet, they sent me a tear sheet -

frustrating living here, as everyone knows by now, but now that I have a few good reviews, it's time to get organized and maybe work a few gigs (not in this state, though) - problem as well is that, this being Maine, I basically have no band. The guys from around here with whom I recorded generally don't call me, and it just gets to be too much work getting the very-talented 20 year old bass player that I rehearsed with a bit this spring to return calls/show up at the gig - I book him more than 20 minutes ahead and he forgets. I have found a good singer and a good trumpet player, however, so will see what happens.

also, not coincidentally, I can sell copies of JIH for $12 shipped - 2 cds, includes a picture of me suitable for framing - email me at alowe5@maine.rr.com

glad to hear, Chris, that I can inspire other national and ethnic groups to voice their protests -

Edited by AllenLowe
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well, I'd gone there on summer vacations for a while - and then I was renting - now I'm going on squatter's rights -

Look, man, you've just got to put the kibosh on this latest "sell-out" notion that you ran by me recently--that commercial project of show tunes called JEWS ON BROADWAY... with special guest guitarist George Benson... please don't do it, Allen...

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