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Upcoming San Francisco Jazz Collective 2 CD set


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The 2008 SFJC 2 CD set is supposed to come out this summer.

The current pre-order price is $29.75 + $8.00 shipping + tax (apparently being charged to any & all locations).

This brings the pre-order price to over $40.

When it comes out at the "regular" price (presumably $35), that'll bring the cost to over $45.


I have all of the previous sets, but this seems a bit much to me.

Admittedly, the music is yet to be heard.

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$20 a disc is a little high, but not insanely so if you're a fan of the group. I assume this is one they put out themselves (rather than a Nonesuch release), so a larger percentage than usual of the $$$ should wind it's way back into the actual artists' pockets.

I only have their first one, the 3-disc job with Ornette Coleman tunes on it. Which of the others would you recommend?

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$20 a disc is a little high, but not insanely so if you're a fan of the group. I assume this is one they put out themselves (rather than a Nonesuch release), so a larger percentage than usual of the $$$ should wind it's way back into the actual artists' pockets.

I only have their first one, the 3-disc job with Ornette Coleman tunes on it. Which of the others would you recommend?

I have all 4. The Coleman is my favorite. All of the others are 2 CD sets at the same price.

They're all better than good. The Monk is probably my 2nd choice.

Thanks for your perspective.

They've never charged tax on an internet order before & $8 shipping (higher than previous sets) seemed steep.

I'll think it over.

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$8 shipping (higher than previous sets) seemed steep.
Yeah, it is...although you can probably thank recent trends in fuel prices for that one.

Postal rates haven't gone up that much. They should be able to find a bike messenger to cart the stuff over to the post office. They are in SF, right? ;)

This is pretty much the tipping point for me. I really liked the first two sets (and the first set was a bargain with 3 CDs). And I had to get the Monk set, since he is one of my jazz heroes, but the sets just cost too much for the amount of time I actually listen to them. I'll probably only buy them at concerts when they come to town, usually every couple of years.

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