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Have you dropped your pants yet?

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The temperature must be really hot right now in NYC. The only time I ever see that many shirtless dudes is when I'm passing through the heart of the Castro.

That montage was kind of the flip side of

(Sorry for contributing to the spread of viral Levi's marketing.)
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The temperature must be really hot right now in NYC. The only time I ever see that many shirtless dudes is when I'm passing through the heart of the Castro.

That montage was kind of the flip side of

(Sorry for contributing to the spread of viral Levi's marketing.)

Wow! See them at the next Olympics!


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The temperature must be really hot right now in NYC. The only time I ever see that many shirtless dudes is when I'm passing through the heart of the Castro.

That montage was kind of the flip side of

(Sorry for contributing to the spread of viral Levi's marketing.)

I guess that kind of puts the old saw to rest that "he puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else."

I'm been trying to lose some weight, so ... yeah, the pants ain't fitting too well lately. (Or, maybe I'm just hip now?)

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I saw a cat the other day in my neighborhood who had them so low the crotch was below his kneecaps. He was walking like a penguin. Maybe I'm old, but I just don't get it. It looks ridiculous and can't be very functional.

I should mention that I saw this guy at a funeral at the church down the street.

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I saw a cat the other day in my neighborhood who had them so low the crotch was below his kneecaps. He was walking like a penguin.


please shoot me if i ever start wearin' my pants below my ass, thank you! :ph34r:

If I shot every kid who had their pants below their rear I'd be the biggest mass killer in history! There's thousands upon thousands of them in Broooklyn.My wife and I call them 'anti-gravity' pants. :rolleyes:

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A couple weeks ago we took the kids and a couple of their friends to the movies at the mall. Seeing the throng of low riders outside the exit smokin' butts I decided to yank the loose-fit-roomy-in-the-seat-jeans down mid-thigh (luckily for all I had a long shirt going) and flash some hand gestures as I exited thru the crowd of low slung boys.

I thought them kids were gonna pee themselves!

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  • 1 year later...

I thought this was going to be a thread about getting a timely colonoscopy. What a relief. :)

actually it is now - i'm having one tomorrow.

purely precautionary as i turned 50 in april.

if you are 50 or older and have not had one yet - now is the time!


Dude, I'm sorry about the day you're going to have today.

The procedure itself is a breeze, but the day before was pretty awful. Hope yours is better.

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I've had two I think. Doctors recommend them every five years. The worst thing is the preparation. The actual procedure you're actually asleep and don't feel a thing. They give you some kind of amnesia drug so you don't remember a thing.

I signed up to get a virtual one in Oct. No sedatives necessary. Should be interesting.

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