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Suddenly I feel very old...

My baby girl graduated high school last night. She's one of the most naturally smart people I've ever met, and also one of the most stubbornly idiosyncratic as well (a trait she no doubt got exclusively from Brenda... :w ) For the last 17.75 years, life with her has been a battle - usually "normal" but occasionally not - to get her potential to meet her ability and to pay no - or at least less - attention to that voice in her head that says, "Never mind, I'll do it when I want, how I want. If I even want to do it at all." Graduation on schedule was in no way "guaranteed", and yet the one person who remained annoyingly calm, about it all was the one it affected the most - her. We went down literally to the last week of school in suspense. Well, Brenda & I did anyway. Kristina knew that she would pull it off, never even entered her mind that something might go wrong and mess up her pre-envisioned inevitability.

And, as last night proved, she was right about that. Again.

Just like she was about "career choice". Senior year? College? Plans? Future? Don't bother me, Dad, I'll make up my mind when I'm ready. Sure enough, December comes, she discovers tech theater class , starts designing costumes, and becomes a state finalist in same. Ita ll happened in, like 15 seconds, or so it seemed. Now all of a sudden, she knows exactly what she wants to do, what she's going to do, and that's that.

An amazing young woman, my daughter is. She hasn't killed me, and yeah, she's made me stronger (although in ways I never dreamed I would need to be).

Four years ago, when Charlie graduated, it was a wistful moment in a lot of ways for LTB & I, but we both looked at Kristina and said, "Hey, we're gonna have a full-time kid on our hands right up until the very end with this one". It was a statement of equal parts comfort and dread, and yeah, we pretty much called it right.

But Lord have mercy, did she step up at the last minute. Up, and all the way out.

Oh sure, she'll be living at home for a while longer while she gets her academic credentials in line to better reflect her true intelligence. And yeah, she'll still be calling "DAD" every 10 seconds when she needs something. But make no mistake - she'll not be doing these things all that much longer, and she'll not be doing them as a "child" ever again. Seeing her walk across that stage last night, tall, proud, confident, and READY to get going with her life erased any illusions that anybody might have had about that.

And now, it seems, I have no more "children". Just like that. Overnight, almost literally in the blink of an eye,

Suddenly I feel very old. Perhaps older than I've ever felt.

But never have I felt prouder.

World, look out - Kristina Rae Sangrey has made up her mind. Resistance is futile!

Consider yourselves warned. icon12.gificon12.gificon12.gif


A grand moment indeed!!

It's nice to be able to exhale.

It seems just like yesterday she was

kicking around beach balls amongst

6 foot inflatable dinosaurs! :D

I guess the inflatable dancing banana

has become a memory as well? - :g

Hey! and just before yer 25th too!

I'll wish you two congrats now 'cause

I'll be out of town on the 3rd.

Reminiscence is good (and so is breathing).

best to all of you!,




That's something I'll never experience. The closest I've come was when there was some doubt about Gracie getting through obedience school, but her older brother helped her through it. :cool:


I suppose I grew up with some of the same characteristics your daughter exhibits. I benefitted from having parents like you (plural). So I'll congratulate you on recognizing the need to be the sort of flexible and understanding parent(s) that I had; her upbringing will serve your daughter well.


Jim, do me a favor and pass on a message to Kristina for me:

Kristina, you've probably heard people tell you that high school is the best time of your life. Don't believe it! Those people were losers; now is when life gets interesting! Good luck!

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