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New boxes:Duke/Woody Col/Hampton/Prez/Woody Plps

Guest Bixieland

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Guest Bixieland

Not that I have anything profound to add about these sets, but I thought I'd share what I can as I blissfully mull through some of my most recently acquired family heirlooms. Keeping in mind, they still have that new-car smell, and with the exception of the Hampton, I haven't even made it through all the discs. Nevertheless, here's some thoughts on these "slam-dunk" Mosaics.

The Complete Lionel Hampton Victor Sessions 1937-41 (#238)

Oh man, this is excellent. Prior to purchase, I was only familar with his Goodman work. This is all top shelf liquor. Easily recommendable to anybody even remotely interested in music. I'm amazed at how everything sounds so light and effortless. There's nothing to skip over...this entire box set just plays on. When a disc is done...there's no hesitating going to the next. Easy buy.

Duke Ellington: 1936-40 Small Group Sessions (#235)

Incredible--talk about top shelf...this is the stuff you don't share! I don't think I ever heard any of this before--but it is really, really good, captivating stuff. There's a few spots where the alternate or third take will snap you out of your dream...but they manage to immediately send you back. There's that unique low-fire, Ellington glow on all these sides...that deepness, and dark undercurrent that is very addictive....like the oldest, mellowist scotches--kind of spoils you.

The Complete Woody Herman Columbia (1945-7)(#223)

Wow...this just might be the sleeping giant on Mosaic's site right now. I haven't read or heard much about this box. I went with my gut, the beautiful cover just said BIG BAND. I didn't want to O.D. on that small group late-30s sound, so I held off on Chu and went with this--excellent 40s powerhouse. The sound quality here is stunning. This stuff is tight, big, powerful and fun. Very interesting charts and talented musicianship. I cannot explain how nice it is to have a band this size--set up in my living room. Playing this at home...and playing it loud---WOW. Your sub woofer will be going deep. Sixty year old music isn't supposed to sound like this. The alternates are lined up at the end, so you don't even notice them. I don't think you should miss this one.

The Lester Young/Count Basie Sessions 1936-1940 (#239)

Well, I'm just batting a 1000 now. Given the relative easy price, combined with its musical importance...this was a no brainer. Even with box set sensory overload...Pres hit me like a brick. That dark, resonant buttery sound without being flat or collapsable, with just enough raspiness--kind of like a fender strat with a nice mellow distortion--was delicious. I have to imagine you need some guts to blow a sound like that--while busting out these endlessly stunning musical lines. There's something poetic about his riffs....They're not even riffs, more like consistant, free-flowing thoughts and words. There's something going on here that I'm not quite sure is understandable in "musical terms." Because of that I just wanted to hear Pres! Not that this is a ding on the set...but I almost wish there was a Benedetti of this!!

Mosaic Select: Woody Herman (MS-031)

No meal, or feast, this big would be complete without a little dessert. This nice little set flat-out, knocked my sox off! I was grinning ear to ear with this stuff cranked up. This set rocks. I completely see why people have referred to this as the best big band ever. Complex, fun, sophisticated...great 60's big-band pinnache. Do not miss this gem!

In conclusion...I'm in heaven, obviously. The caliber of these sets is inarguable. Combined with the fact that they're Mosaics is sensory bliss. Each one sounds fantastic. The fact that it's essentially all new to me is overwhelming. I'll need to go find some bad stuff to listen to now, just so I'm reminded that life isn't like this--just turn on some local adult rock channel, hear a little Micheal McDonald, puke myself back to reality.

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Guest Bixieland

Do have the Woody Pips side where he reunites with his sons in a program of Gladys Knight hits?

Goosebumps, I tell you!

I'll have to check that out...I do have the Cootie Williams disc where he does a load of Elton John covers. "Cootie and the Jets." :huh:

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Great write-ups. Worthy of Dusty Groove in over-drive :g

All of those sets bar the Herman Mosaic Select (which I already have) are on my long-range radar list. Certainly look forward to getting the Duke and the Hampton. The Woody Columbia is definitely well up the list too.

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Guest Bixieland

I reckon Bixieland is really Simon Cowell. Talk about Mr Nasty - phew! Or maybe this is how Si talks when he actually *does* like something.

Are you ridin' me for my gushing "reviews?" :blush:

Hey, when the delivery man hands you titles from "Duke Ellington," "Woody Herman," "Lionel Hampton," "Count Basie" and "Lester Young" ---wrapped in glorious 12x12 black Mosaic boxes...


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