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Posted (edited)

If I had to pick someone, then I wouldn't mind being stranded with this lovely lady:



I can just imagine the conversation now:

"So Kate, you like Thelonious Monk?" I asked

"Why yes I do, I love Monk!" answered Kate

"Wow, okay....will you marry me, Kate?" I questioned

"Well since we're stranded on this desert island, I don't see why not!" said Kate

"YES!!!!!!" I exclaimed

Edited by bluemonk


Mandy can hang with me in my Studio any day....

I know you and I share less than nothing in common, politically, but women wise....

she and Jane Greer show you have excellent taste! :cool:


If I had to pick someone, then I wouldn't mind being stranded with this lovely lady:



I can just imagine the conversation now:

"So Kate, you like Thelonious Monk?" I asked

"Why yes I do, I love Monk!" answered Kate

"Wow, okay....will you marry me, Kate?" I questioned

"Well since we're stranded on this desert island, I don't see why not!" said Kate

"YES!!!!!!" I exclaimed

I can imagine my conversation:

Me: Uh, um ... gabbledeegook schlupity culdmecheck gabblegarf ... heh hem. I mean, ah, gloshgibberish shleck de moishy moo?

Kate: :rfr help?

Posted (edited)

If I had to pick someone, then I wouldn't mind being stranded with this lovely lady:



I can just imagine the conversation now:

"So Kate, you like Thelonious Monk?" I asked

"Why yes I do, I love Monk!" answered Kate

"Wow, okay....will you marry me, Kate?" I questioned

"Well since we're stranded on this desert island, I don't see why not!" said Kate

"YES!!!!!!" I exclaimed

I can imagine my conversation:

Me: Uh, um ... gabbledeegook schlupity culdmecheck gabblegarf ... heh hem. I mean, ah, gloshgibberish shleck de moishy moo?

Kate: :rfr help?

Well that's what I said I would say, but in reality it would probably be closer to the language you were trying to speak.

Edited by bluemonk
Posted (edited)

I would also like to add that Evangeline Lily would be fun to be stranded on an island with, because she's already been LOST on the ABC tv show for so long now. She probably could show me around the island.


Edited by bluemonk

Yup, guys talk about women sometimes, generally in direct inverse proportion to the level of intimacy they're experiencing. And women have been known to talk about men from time to time, I've heard -- even famous ones they have no hope or expectation of encountering. Not too unusual. Although, as you get on in years the whole desert island thing gets less and less appealing -- kind of like some marriages. :ph34r:


do guys in other parts of the country sit around drinking beer and discussing which actress is hotter? i understand mentally being a fan of some 1940s actress or another as perhaps in one's head so and so is keeping some forgotten paradigm of feminine beauty and grace which has been forgotten in today's vile and nasty world. to keep in the know with sports for gambling and fantasy reasons, i read sports articles and blogs and listen to podcasts (primarily espn) and i am always creeped out when the hosts discuss actresses and celebrity women, comparing like who is hotter....so and so from this movie or so and so from some show on MTV. i don't know what the hell they are talking about. do conversations and thoughts like this really take place among men? i am an open-minded hetero guy...mostly always have been...i have never once in my entire life had a discussions with a buddy or buddies or anyone comparing actresses or celebrities or anything. i have never said to a friend or heard a friend say, "man, so and so is REALLY hot. i watch so and so show to see her." is this because i am in new york? if i were in canada or boston would i be gaga for a young starlet because i would be in a vile and nasty environment as far as foxy women and my recourse would be maxim magazine and the internet? seriously. because i keep getting creeped out listening to this one particular podcast where the idiot host obsesses over these two actresses, discussing which he would want to marry and which he would want to go drinking with. stuff like that. but is this what guys do? are my friends lame if we do not engage in this guy talk?

Well, I am not in New York and I am an open-minded hetero guy (I hope), so I thought that this thread would be about wich music...not babe :blink:

Posted (edited)

It was about music. . . if I'm going to be on a desert island I'd want all my instruments (I have two basses, a bass violin, an electronic keyboard, three guitars, a drumset and some precussion pieces) to back up Helen Folasade Adu's lovely singing!

So there! ;)


I hate sports so I've never heard that podcast you're talking about. I HAVE heard both men and women talk about celebrities in that way. . . .Somehow I don't think New Yorkers are "above all that" superior.

Edited by jazzbo

It was about music. . . if I'm going to be on a desert island I'd want all my instruments (I have two basses, a bass violin, an electronic keyboard, three guitars, a drumset and some precussion pieces) to back up Helen Folasade Adu's lovely singing!

So there! ;)


Hey, she's purddy.

I hate sports so I've never heard that podcast you're talking about. I HAVE heard both men and women talk about celebrities in that way. . . .Somehow I don't think New Yorkers are "above all that" superior.

Those Manhattan dwellers are snooty sometimes. :lol:


I don't know about all men but me and a friend have engaged in what we call the Face-off Game for many years. Its inspired by the old "Mary Anne or Ginger" debate that has raged for decades. We try to pair up people who can be related to each other in some ways, so for instance, in the category of hot tennis players, Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova? And they don't have to be pleasant choices either. In the category of "stars who kinda let themselves go - Sally Strothers or Marie Osmond?

Now we've come up with a brand new version, in which three or more people are grouped together, and the question is who among these would you not "do"? So, Rachel, Monica or Phoebe would be one such grouping.

And again, the choice is not always pleasant. Edith, Weezie or Maude? (that one works for both games).

What I found interesting is that my friend went to a conference shortly after we came up with this game where he found that a couple of gay friends had come up with a similar game, only it was predicated on forcing heterosexuals to make choices between people of their own gender. My friend refused to play.


"Would You Rather"

It was introduced to me by a group of people in Astoria, of all places. My answer to one of Dan's questions, though, is, without question, Maria Sharapova.

Grace Kelly was beautiful. I don't know that I've ever seen any of her movies. Recommendations?

Hey Lon, if you do get around to setting up that studio, you ought to rethink your seating... airline seats are the worst!

Posted (edited)

Hey Lon, if you do get around to setting up that studio, you ought to rethink your seating... airline seats are the worst!

Oh, I kind of like them, you don't stay seated too long, keeps you going rather than chilling!

And, conversely, I actually believe the petite Ms. Adu would be quite comfortable in those.

Edited by jazzbo

It was about music. . . if I'm going to be on a desert island I'd want all my instruments (I have two basses, a bass violin, an electronic keyboard, three guitars, a drumset and some precussion pieces) to back up Helen Folasade Adu's lovely singing!

Then you'd need a socket to plug all that stuff in...the instruments I mean :g



Mandy can hang with me in my Studio any day....

A bunch of musicians (who normally play jazz/noise/improv/anything but pop) from Richmond VA were hired as her band for the last album. Some of them went on tour with her! Sounds like she is good people.

I heard from the drummer that the producer had them record each tune a few dozen times at varying tempos... 100bpm, 101bpm, 100.5 bpm, 99.5bpm, etc.! Each tempo in varying keys as well. Outrageous.

Posted (edited)

do guys in other parts of the country sit around drinking beer and discussing which actress is hotter? i understand mentally being a fan of some 1940s actress or another as perhaps in one's head so and so is keeping some forgotten paradigm of feminine beauty and grace which has been forgotten in today's vile and nasty world. to keep in the know with sports for gambling and fantasy reasons, i read sports articles and blogs and listen to podcasts (primarily espn) and i am always creeped out when the hosts discuss actresses and celebrity women, comparing like who is hotter....so and so from this movie or so and so from some show on MTV. i don't know what the hell they are talking about. do conversations and thoughts like this really take place among men? i am an open-minded hetero guy...mostly always have been...i have never once in my entire life had a discussions with a buddy or buddies or anyone comparing actresses or celebrities or anything. i have never said to a friend or heard a friend say, "man, so and so is REALLY hot. i watch so and so show to see her." is this because i am in new york? if i were in canada or boston would i be gaga for a young starlet because i would be in a vile and nasty environment as far as foxy women and my recourse would be maxim magazine and the internet? seriously. because i keep getting creeped out listening to this one particular podcast where the idiot host obsesses over these two actresses, discussing which he would want to marry and which he would want to go drinking with. stuff like that. but is this what guys do? are my friends lame if we do not engage in this guy talk?

Well the title of this thread was "If I Have To Be Stranded On A Desert Island..." Since this is obviously fantasy, I felt inclined to use my imagination and try and picture who I would like to be stranded on an island with.

Dumpy Mama, I sit around with friends all the time talking about how beautiful this woman was or that woman was. It's an innocent thing that I like to do. So Dumpy you never sat around and a beautiful woman walks by and you say to your friends "Whoah...did you see her?" I mean it's second nature for me to look at beautiful women, that's apart of my DNA. I don't even think about it. I'm always looking. I think it's dumb and pointless to talk about celebrities and what actress is hotter than the other, but it's alot of fun to talk about how beautiful and hot women are and who you like to see in a bikini and what not. Again, it's innocent and I don't see any harm in it at all.

Don't go up to a woman and tell her that you would like see her in bikini, because you might get slapped, but when you're talking to other guys it's only natural to talk about women, especially if your single, but hey even married men talk about women. It's just apart of our DNA.

Edited by bluemonk

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