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Andrew Hill pays a visit to Buffalo in two weeks and I can't wait. :excited: I bought my tickets about 3 weeks ago. By the time I got my lazy ass over to pick up the tickets, there were only 4 left. That's pretty remarkable for an outpost like Buffalo where jazz is a pretty tough sale. :tup The auditorium seats 350, by the way so it'll be a nice sized crowd.

Th Albright Knox Art Gallery sponsors a wonderful jazz series each year. I also picked up tickets to see Sonny Fortune and Rashied Ali as well as Bill Charlap while skipping over the Bad Plus.

Back to Hill. I have a question for those of you who have seen him. Is he the type of guy who makes himself available after the show to chat and sign autographs? I'd like to get him to sign my Mosaic set and Passing Ships but would rather not have what will undoubtedly be a fabulous evening of music tarnished by either an inaccessable or ornery musician. I saw Greg Osby and Jason Moran last year at the A-K and after the show they stood out in the lobby, thanked everyone for coming, signed autographs etc.

Tickets were only $15 a piece. Non members have to pony up an additional 3 bucks. Not a bad deal, I'd say.


Back to Hill. I have a question for those of you who have seen him. Is he the type of guy who makes himself available after the show to chat and sign autographs? I'd like to get him to sign my Mosaic set and Passing Ships but would rather not have what will undoubtedly be a fabulous evening of music tarnished by either an inaccessable or ornery musician. I saw Greg Osby and Jason Moran last year at the A-K and after the show they stood out in the lobby, thanked everyone for coming, signed autographs etc.

I recall earlier this year that Rooster Ties went to see Andrew play and did, in fact, chat with him after the show for about ten minutes or so. I believe he also had his picture taken with Hill. Maybe RT caught him in a good mood, I'm not sure, but ya can't hurt for trying. In short, I don't think he'd mind, Ed, he probably enjoys chatting with fans.


Yes, I did get to meet Andrew and talk with him very briefly (and got the picture taken, shown below). There were about 10-12 of us Hill "fanatics" who he graciously signed autoraphs for, after his set at the Iowa City Jazz Festival this past July. He spent about 10 minutes (total) with all of us, and then said his thanks and goodbyes, and that was it.

I got the impression that he seemed like a shy and/or introverted sort of guy, who didn't want to chat at great length about anything. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

  • ( I only mention it as a contrast to someone like Herbie Hancock, who I believe would (time permitting) be glad to chat with fans for 30 minutes or more after a concert (as he did when I saw Herbie and Wayne about 7 years ago, on their 'duo' tour). )

Do take things for Andrew to autograph, and he will probably be very glad to sign them for you. He was glad to answer questions, but his answers were on the short side (or at least they were the day I saw him). He was very nice, but didn't seem like a natural "people" people -- if you know what I mean.

In any case, it was an honor to get to meet him, since I personally hold him in nearly as high a reguard as Miles, or Ornette, or even Ellington.


I have seen Hill live on many occassions and although I would never describe him as outgoing, he always seemed receptive to some interaction with the people that support him.


Thanks for the advice. I'm not really sure if I want to lug my Mosaic box around but I'll definitely take a couple of discs. :tup

I took my Mosaic booklet, and had him sign on the inside cover -- above where the 'set number' info is. (I left the box and CD's at home.) Also had him sign the covers of my "Dusk" and "Hommage" discs.

Posted (edited)

Andrew Hill pays a visit to Buffalo in two weeks and I can't wait.  :excited:  I bought my tickets about 3 weeks ago.  By the time I got my lazy ass over to pick up the tickets, there were only 4 left.  That's pretty remarkable for an outpost like Buffalo where jazz is a pretty tough sale.  :tup  The auditorium seats 350, by the way so it'll be a nice sized crowd.

Th Albright Knox Art Gallery sponsors a wonderful jazz series each year.  I also picked up tickets to see Sonny Fortune and Rashied Ali as well as Bill Charlap while skipping over the Bad Plus.

Back to Hill.  I have a question for those of you who have seen him.  Is he the type of guy who makes himself available after the show to chat and sign autographs?  I'd like to get him to sign my Mosaic set and Passing Ships but would rather not have what will undoubtedly be a fabulous evening of music tarnished by either an inaccessable or ornery musician.  I saw Greg Osby and Jason Moran last year at the A-K and after the show they stood out in the lobby, thanked everyone for coming, signed autographs etc.

Tickets were only $15 a piece.  Non members have to pony up an additional 3 bucks.  Not a bad deal, I'd say.

If you are lucky, you'll find him very receptive. I got about 10 minutes of his time after a UK Festival gig earlier this year, in the middle of consuming a post-gig cig and an English beer (it may have been his first, he liked it). Very friendly, nice guy - thoughtfull. Was more than happy to personalise and sign the Mosaic booklet (terrible handwriting by the way :blink: ) and Conns for 'Smokestack' and 'Judgement'. The smaller venue will probably help too in terms of chances to meet.


PS - You may have to wait a while after the gig to catch Andrew at the right moment. Patience is a virtue on this one !

Edited by sidewinder
  • 3 weeks later...

Terrific concert last night at the Albright Knox.

After having failed to plan ahead and get a ticket early on, amazingly enough, I was able to snag a ticket the night before the concert!

Ed: Did you happen to catch the name of the drummer? I was expecting Nasheet Waits but, when Hill announced the names of his band mates, that's not what I heard.

Or was it Nasheet Waits?


Wish I would have known you were going Tony - would have liked to have met you.

My wife and I were both having trouble hearing the names over the applause, but I thought he said the drummer was Eric McPherson. He was terrific, wasn't he?

Great show.


Hi Ed,

I was 'telling' Hans that I would be on the lookout for a man holding a Hill Mosaic set! How'd the autograph plan go?

Eric McPherson! YES! That's the man!


McPherson was very good but I felt that his playing was just a bit too busy for this particular setting. Either that or he was just too prominent in the sound mix. (It could very well be the latter.)

I found bassist John Hebert to be exceptionally talented and would have loved to have heard a few duos between him and Hill.


No go on the autograph. The dressing room is so far from the auditorium that I would have felt like a stalker going after him. At the last show I saw, Osby and Moran hung around the lobby area. I was hoping for something like that.

I agree about the bass player. I wish he was up a little more in the mix and the drummer a little lower. He was way up in the mix.

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