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NBC buys Vivendi Universal


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Jazzbo, Universal is the largest record company, so I don't believe the govt will allow them to merge with anyone else in the business. Maybe now that Universal is owned by a French company the US govt's anti-trust laws are irrelevant, but my understanding is that the new EU anti-trust laws are similarly enforced.

I imagine that a movie studio might be the best fit for a record company, in that the distribution of CDs and DVDs would go well together, both physical delivery and via the internet.

However, since the future of that distribution is up in the air, what with Kazaa, etc., maybe nobody in the movie business wants to take on more of the same troubles!

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Yeah, it's gonna get weird around here real soon. As has been noted, Universal Music is not part of the GE/NBC deal, and GE is likely to sell off the theme park division asap. The "new" company will be named NBC-Universal.

On the plus side, I hear that one of the new perks for us Universal employees will be free NBC-TV.

Is there a smilie for sarcasm?

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