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In consideration of the most recently released RVG titles and the list of expected RVG titles, I believe it would be difficult for Blue Note to keep all the titles available, forever.

The increasing number of RVGs will use shelf space in stores and warehouses. As much as I appreciate & enjoy each RVG title, methinks some of the titles don't sell well (especially when compared to the titles on the Billboard Top 100 list). I mean, how much of the general public buys RVGs? Blue Note must make a profit to stay in business. I don't see it being profitable for the company to continue to offer titles that don't sell, RVG or not.

I wonder which RVG titles will be deleted from the availability list as new RVG titles are introduced?

My picks are Tony Williams' Lifetime and Bobby Hutherson's Dialogue. This is not because they are poor sessions, but because they are 'more difficult' for the general public and my not generate lots of sales.


You may be right, but they did say that the U.S. RVGs are not limited editions. And Fantasy has never deleted any Original Jazz Classics.

I would imagine that most of us BN fans have pretty well all of the RVGs that we want, especially if you're talking the earlier ones, now that we can pick them up for about $7.50 in various sales.

The way the RVG program is going, it may kind of diffuse itself into oblivion. There are now so many that it is hard to keep up the original concept/aim/purpose. They might as well just call them Blue Note CDs anymore.


To me, the RVG program has served a couple purposes. The first one is to get the best selling BN titles out there in spiffy new remastered packages. The second purpose is to slip out a previously unreleased gem. They seem to release one in almost every RVG release.

My thought is that the first ones to be deleted will be the titles that have only been released for the first time as RVGs. Though, I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the more adventurous titles go first, such as The All Seeing Eye.


I think Williams' Lifetime and Morgan's The Rumproller will be among the first to be deleted, should they decide to start doing this.

I need to purchase The Rumproller. It's one of the few RVGs I don't yet own.

After writing my sentence, above, I started thinking this is probably the reason this title could be deleted. Even myself, an appreciator of the RVG series, doesn't yet own it.


The first Blue Note CD reissues were not conceived as limited editions, many titles nevertheless went out of print once the sales figures dropped below a certian margin. This is the criterion, not musical value or whatever. It's ALWAYS the sales figures, at least for a major company.

Fantasy operates on a different basis.


I always assumed that the stated goal of RVG titles being in print permanently meant a probable shelf life of 4 or 5 years. It is indeed a business and sales matter. Given that, Lifetime, A New Perspective, Dialogue, and the other more "difficult" or adventurous titles may well be among the first to go. It wouldn't surprise me, I'll put it that way.

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