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the 10 dumbest and smartest dog breeds

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shocked that English Bulldogs are the 3rd dumbest. Especially because all of the breeds bred from Bulldogs tend to be pretty smart: staffies, bull terriers, boston terriers, frenchies, etc.

It would help to know what the basis is for measuring their relative intelligence. The list just came from the "CBS Early Show", so there's no way to know how they ranked the breeds.

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I couldn't get the list.

But I'm never sure what smartness and dumbness mean in relation to dogs.

We had a Pug who was as thick as two short planks. Completely unteachable. He'd go into our daughter's bedroom, again and again, and find one of her soft toys, then come out with it, roughing it up and wagging his tale at us like, "look at me! I'm being naughty again!" So he'd get smacked. And he'd like that. And he'd apologise. Then go and do it again. And again. And again.

He'd also go into the kitchen every day, as the afternoon wore on, and sit there barking for the street light to come on. When it did, he barked like crazy for half a minute, then put himself to bed.

We formed the view that this was all extremely intelligent behaviour, from his point of view.


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I couldn't get the list.

But I'm never sure what smartness and dumbness mean in relation to dogs.

We had a Pug who was as thick as two short planks. Completely unteachable. He'd go into our daughter's bedroom, again and again, and find one of her soft toys, then come out with it, roughing it up and wagging his tale at us like, "look at me! I'm being naughty again!" So he'd get smacked. And he'd like that. And he'd apologise. Then go and do it again. And again. And again.

He was trying to teach you! ...

He'd also go into the kitchen every day, as the afternoon wore on, and sit there barking for the street light to come on. When it did, he barked like crazy for half a minute, then put himself to bed.

The streetlight was his deity, come to comfort him each evening. This does indeed indicate spiritual awareness.

We formed the view that this was all extremely intelligent behaviour, from his point of view.


Well, at least you came to the right conclusion ... :g

Edited by papsrus
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Ranking Poodle's #2 makes sense.

A friend of mine and his wife raise poodles, they've got six or seven of them. Some are smarter than others, I must say. My friends brought two poodles on a vacation we went on together, and while one is obviously very bright and well behaved, the other is either dumb as sticks or suicidal. The stupid one almost jumped off the third floor balcony, almost electrocuted itself by chewing on a wire, refused to let the owner walk her with the leash, and was generally under my feet any time I stepped without looking.

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Our combo boston terrier chihuahua ranks up there as one of the smartest.

Yesterday morning I put him on his lead for the morning constitution and went back into the kitchen to finish the kids' breakfast.

He starts barking like nobody's bizness and I stop flipping hash browns to go reprimand him (squirrels?).

I get out onto the back steps to reel him in and he flies back out into the yard at the biggest ass coyote I've ever seen standing about twenty feet away. Well fed big bellied wolf of a thing that pretty much has no regard for the fact that a human is yelling and running at him. Takes his good old time sauntering off into the ravine next to the house.

I have since translated the barking: "Holy S#!@ Dad, get yer ass out here right now cause a huge F*@%&$! coyote is about to eat me!"

Scary stuff and I thought I had to keep a diligent eye out for the fisher cats.

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No suprise there to see the border collie at #1

The English bulldog is predictably thick. :D

Actually, they're not thick at all. My neighbour has one. Very nice chap, if blind in one eye - the dog, that is.

I think the thick ones are the Border Collies - no better sense than to do what some human tells them.


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