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Sexiest Music Videos

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But I wouldn't think that posting pictures and videos of women that we think are sexy, is going to inspire women to want to talk with the guys on this board about music and other topics, if they're looked at like they're women first, and then their thoughts and ideas come second.

My point exactly, Aggie.

I think most women feel put off by these sorts of threads, and that you guys are (unintentionally) missing the bus on this one.

Edited by seeline
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The assumption that "we" want more women posters here doesn't apply to me. I don't want more men posters either. The only kind of posters I want more of are people who posses an open-minded urbanity, and those who enjoy being around those who do (not automatically mutually inclusive qualities, btw!).

Last I checked, that quality wasn't gender-specific (anything but!), nor does it preclude either ignoring or participating in a "sexy" anything thread of one's own free will, nor does it include "assuming" things about people who do or don't.

Then again, it ain't my board.

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The "you" is plural, though in the past I've been told that Jim A. was hoping to be able to attract more women posters... It seemed like it might be both reasonable and worthwhile to post a few comments on a new thread regarding "sexiest" whatever.

To be honest, I have no desire to participate in this thread, or similar threads. (I did like the LP cover game thread at AAJ, which died off quite some time ago - it was about cover art, period, not sexy chick pics.)

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I am sorry to hear that this thread makes you uncomfortable, really I am. But I'd like to think that you're mature enough to realize that it's presence is in no way predicated on demeaning or otherwise diminishing you in particular or women in general. I genuinely respect your reservations, but ultimately, feeling as I do that real as they are, the benign intent of the thread are every bit as real, I defer to the right to ignore that which one finds questionable.

I have a daughter, 17 years old. We've raised her to be very objective about media portrayals of female sexuality, and she's learned her lessons more than well, god bless her. But she also is fully aware that mom & dad still like to mess around, and she still know that we both are "hormonally active" outside of the bedroom. As far as it pertains to us, her parents, she still finds it kind of...icky :g but as applied to humans in general, she gets it a lot better than do most of her peers.

Point being - she knows enough to know that sexuality is better off not being one-dimensional as far as it pertains to occupying a place in a person's life, just as she knows that laughing at a "dead baby" joke (remember those?) doesn't mean that she actually digs dead babies.

In fact, my daughter would make an excellent addition to this community. She's smart, witty, sharp as a new tack, would take these type threads for what they are (and roll her eyes at them, as well she should, and as, truthfully, do a lot of us who participate in them - the male sense of irony is very under-appreciated by many women, it seems to me) and very interested in a lot of different things.

Unfortunately, jazz is not one of them. Oh well... :g

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Oh, the irony's not lost on me, Jim, because women can be pretty good at it, too. :D But I do think that these kinds of threads are not primarily about irony, if you know what I'm saying. ;)

This all might make me get upset enough to start posting photos of men in hats, like I did on another board's "babe" thread quite some time ago.

And with all due respect, there is a larger point in question, as I've said earlier, as has Aggie87.

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And with all due respect, there is a larger point in question, as I've said earlier, as has Aggie87.

There's always some sort of larger point in question, no matter where you go or what you do.

And yet life goes on.

This too is non-gender-specific.

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Hey, you gotta have a distinct kind of education to get off into the Resitol thing!

They're located in Garland, Tx, btw, not that far from where we live. It's a seasonal operation, actually, and from what I hear, they treat their people ok, so good for them.

But damned if I'm going to their university!

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Hey, the SI swimsuit issue is something I routinely laugh at. I mean, yeah, the women are beautiful and shit, but... the world's full of beautiful women, if you know what I mean. One either becomes jaded, indiscriminate, or selective about what stirs one's interest beyond the temporary hormonal rush.

As far as Resistol goes, as I understand it (or understood it, the last I heard of this was about 15 years ago), they can make a full year's worth of inventory in something like 9 or so months. So it's a 9-ish month gig with 3 off, kinda like teaching school.

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But I wouldn't think that posting pictures and videos of women that we think are sexy, is going to inspire women to want to talk with the guys on this board about music and other topics, if they're looked at like they're women first, and then their thoughts and ideas come second.

They are only looked at as women first if we were to require pics before they are allowed to post. Does Seline think that I, or anyone else, think of her as a woman first before judging her thoughts and ideas? Let alone, does she think that anyone here discounts her opinions because she is female? These complaints are ridiculous.

There might be a little more cause for complaint if the board were filled with cheesecake threads or if most of the avatars were near naked bikini babes. As it is, there are a handful of "sexy" avatars and Bright Moments, who until he put up that image of HRC, seemed to continuously incorporate "babe" photos in his signature (seriously, Evan, how the hell does Hillary belong, and how much longer must we suffer? I am tempted to put you on "ignore" just to get her off my screen. :bad: )

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What the heck is "university apparel" - A&M and Aggie t-shirts? ;)

I'm in for some of that!!! :g

I still think topics like sexy videos and sexy pictures aren't appropriate, if we wish to respect all board members. I know there are some female board members that don't care one way or the other, and that's fine too.

However, it's not really about your intent, it's how it comes across to those females who it DOES offend, or at the very least bother.

My company just gave us our annual (or bi-annual, I forget) sexual harrassment training, and there were many scenarios we were shown. Some seemed clearly to be harrassment, others didn't. Some of my female co-workers saw harrassment, or hostile environments, where I (and some male co workers) saw none.

Again, it's how it's perceived by others, not by what you intend.

PS - Kudos to Jim for bringing his kids up with good values that will get them far in the world. Not everybody gets those same values though.

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They are only looked at as women first if we were to require pics before they are allowed to post. Does Seline think that I, or anyone else, think of her as a woman first before judging her thoughts and ideas? Let alone, does she think that anyone here discounts her opinions because she is female? These complaints are ridiculous.

I won't profess to speak for seeline or anyone else, but creating an environment where it's ok to post sexy female pictures or videos can be intimidating or at the very least uncomfortable for many females, I would think.

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I won't profess to speak for seeline or anyone else, but creating an environment where it's ok to post sexy female pictures or videos can be intimidating or at the very least uncomfortable for many females, I would think.

And you would be quite correct in your guesses - also in what you said in the post before your response to Dan.

Perhaps it would help to know that one of the main reasons I avoided this board for a long time had to do with feeling uncomfortable with those kinds of threads? It's true. (Though I also am aware that some of those threads are gone, which was - I think! - a wise choice.)

As for issues of perception, that has a lot to do with it - don't know if anyone here has read any of Deborah Tannen's books, but she's very good at working with that (differences in perception, especially how men and women typically view/hear things) without taking sides or making anyone (of either sex) look like "the bad guy." She's dealt with - and written about - a lot of workplace situations, too. (This book has been quite an eye-opener for me personally.)

Edited to add:

Kudos to Jim for bringing his kids up with good values that will get them far in the world. Not everybody gets those same values though.

True dat! (On both counts.)

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Perhaps it would help to know that one of the main reasons I avoided this board for a long time had to do with feeling uncomfortable with those kinds of threads? It's true. (Though I also am aware that some of those threads are gone, which was - I think! - a wise choice.)

Yep. After hundreds of photos, Someone* flipped out over a woman in underware, called the photo obscene and the thread was deleted.

* mysteriously enough, that someone was a man. We think. He throws a lot of hysterical temper tantrums. :lol:

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